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  1. Wtf is your problem? I have the right to express myself. Wtf you taking up for that troll for? You must not understand what forums are either.
  2. He said he was talking from the other side.. Like the law? DEA? Which have the patent on the plant and the reason it's on the Schedule 1 list above heroin and hydrocodone meaning it's more addictive(harmless) and has no medicinal purposes. Which is all a lie.
  3. I'm using Tapatalk app on my Galaxy Note 4.. Can you block people on here?
  4. Yeah... You're right.. Lol. You can't fix stupid... You know @fruitloopsaremykink
  5. So what... Caffeine has addictive properties! You're an idiot if that's you're argument! Alcohol, Cigs and pills are leading killers yet are legal... They have no medicinal purposes really.. You seriously have no idea what you're talking about! You're just some closed minded fool who believes all the propaganda and you have weak arguments. Bye bye now special person..
  6. That's irrelevant.. W/e the fuck you're talking about... You're also probably misinformed..
  7. Lol.. Ty... Can't believe it wasn't already taken. You promarijuana?
  8. #endthedrugwar #marijuana #legalization #mmj #weed #legalizeit #cannabis #pillskillbutlegal #cigskillbutlegal #alcoholkillsbutlegal #FUCKBIGPHARMA #fourtwenty #smokethevote #fdakills #unjust #unamerican #unconstitutional #fuckthelaw #fuckthesystem #fuckthepolice #weedisgood #governmentareenemies #natural #nontoxic #nonlethal #zerodeaths #endocannabinoidsystem #beinformednotignorantlyopinionated #yallareblind #justsayknow #pot #maryjane #legalizecures #prohibitionisunhealthy #motherearthheals
  9. @seriouslymikey You're still brainwashed by all the bullshit propaganda and lies! Alcohol is bad to human health... So are cigarettes and even FDA approved (REAL) drugs that are arguably the leading cause of death yet all are legal.. Yet marijuana has many medicinal purposes from anxiety to depression... Helps with kids seizures, has vitamins... Shrinks tumors etc... Your misguided opinion needs to be put in check! #beinformednotignorantlyopinionated