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  1. As far as what I have got, I don't have a smart phone with a decent camera. I am investing in this gear, and I will not be giving up. The type of channel is a tech channel, to include a weekly podcast. I will be unboxing and reviewing technology of all forms.
  2. Budget is around 600 dollars in total. Need to get a solid DSLR, lighting kit, Microphone/stand/pop filter, and tripod. I would prefer something with some form of wifi on the camera too, so I can manage the video controls from a tablet.
  3. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/x8HTD3 Designed around 2 favorite colors. Red and White. White is the dominate color. Only have a 120g SSD because thats all I require. and I have numerous formatted HDDs that I own for regular storage. Its actually a 3 monitor setup, however middle monitor is the PS3 3D TV that I will have a PS4 also hooked up to. Mouse is a chinese brand, but have used one on a whim before, and it was amazingly good quality, sadly new dog destroyed the cable. TV is going to be hooked up to both a computer and directv.
  4. Building a computer desk for myself, and want to put a plank of translucent plastic with an emblem engraved into it as the top of one of the sections. I then plan to put an LED underneath the emblem and set to a switch that lights up and shows off the emblem. Trying to find out where to get a piece of plastic done like this. Update, completely screwed up the topic, sorry
  5. I am trying to locate a power supply that is white in color, but has a red LED fan and is full modular. Budget is under 150 US Dollars
  6. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4H81E87427&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID= Looking to purchase this for a build I am working on for myself, but not able to find very much information out on it.