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Rhett Quigley

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Everything posted by Rhett Quigley

  1. Here is my flickr profile. https://www.flickr.com/photos/90492398@N06/
  2. That looks epic, some kind of tanager it seems. The real tanagers, not our tanagers which belong in the Cardinal group.
  3. Gray Catbirds dominate around my area lol. They make a variety of noises.
  4. An Anhinga! My sister in South Carolina sees them in her neighborhood pond. She says they look like the Lochness Monster when they stick their head out of the water haha
  5. The east also shreds the west in warbler species haha, thats one thing I bet western birders wish they had haha. They have more Golden Eagles and also aquatic American Dippers and more dark morph hawks though among others, so they got some good stir fry too lol.
  6. Yeah, such a cool looking bird and very common is a nice bonus haha.
  7. My favorite field guide is the Sibley Guide to Birds Second Edition. My favorite birds are the warblers, I have seen 26 species of warbler. They are the highlight of migration for me haha. What you have for winter I have for summer lol. Awesome stuff to study. I have a Warbler book by Peterson. One cool thing to note is that your part of Mexico seemingly have more westward neotropicals. Ones that are western exclusive in the usa tend to winter in your part of mexico, the eastern exclusive ones tend to winter in the carribean, central america, or south america it seems. Based on similar habitat?
  9. I am decent at winter ranges of the neotropical songbirds, Blackpoll Warbler is an Amazonian bird, the Warbling Vireo is a Mexican species (didn't cheat haha)
  10. Ohhhhhhhhhh, its not an American bird so I dont know hahaha, my field guides cover everything north of mexico hahahahahaaaa
  11. Without cheating, the first bird is a Harris's Hawk, the second a Loggerhead Shrike, the third an American Robin, the fourth a Bronzed Cowbird?, the 5th a Curve-billed Thrasher?, the last one a Cedar Waxwing. ****before you added more pictures hahaha
  12. You get a whole host of species that summer here. I would presume Rufous Hummingbird, Bullocks Oriole, and Nashville Warbler among many others? I don't study wintering ranges as much.
  13. You definitely don't live in Canada then haha. I knew right away that that bird is not in America or Canada. I looked it up and its a Mexican bird haha. Have you heard of this website? https://neotropical.birds.cornell.edu/Species-Account/nb/overview?p_p_spp=83911
  14. Oh, cool. He picked another bird.
  15. Cool. His profile pic isn't an American bird, where does he live?
  16. Anyone photograph birds and enjoy birding? I have 175 species on my list.
  17. I'm selling it for 200 http://www.ebay.com/itm/182577608220?ssPageName=STRK:MEUNSOLD:IT
  18. It really comes down to how many frames your card is getting. Higher fps requires more cpu horspower. For example, if you are using 1080p 144hz you want an i7.
  19. I am selling it for $200. Here is the ebay link http://www.ebay.com/itm/182577608220?ssPageName=STRK:MEUNSOLD:IT
  20. I sold my r9 390 and long story short I got it back from the guy in Georgia Asia, who first shipped it to Delaware. Now the same guy is obviously trying to buy it again, but this time I restricted it to America but he says he is from Delaware so he is still able to buy it. I, of course, cancelled it. What should I do?
  21. You're right, I could have easily just done some math and not visit this fourm lol