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Everything posted by Flanelman

  1. Hey guys, so kinda an odd question: Is there a way I can limit my mouse scroll up to only take a single input within a say 1 or 2 second window? So once it recognizes the first input, it disables any further input for a short time. So let me explain why I want this in case it's not clear what I'm asking. In Apex Legends I have weapon inspect on mouse wheel up, however, if I scroll up more than one notch on my mouse the 2nd input on the scroll will cancel the first and thus cancel the weapon inspect. I want it so that after the first input is recognized, there is a small window (1 or 2 seconds) where no other input from the mouse scroll up will be recognized. I use it for trick shots, meaning I'm usually in a fight at the time, so it's hard to not over scroll my mouse wheel when trying to activate it quickly. Thanks in advance!
  2. well the issue is for me low, medium, high and ultra all look the same, and I'm guessing they all look like what low should look like. It's like my settings menu is just there for looks and nothing actually changes.
  3. Which settings? I have tried 441.12, 441.20, and am currently on 441.41 Nvidia drivers, none of them seem to have made a difference. Within both GeForce experience and the settings file in documents/rdr2/settings it says that my textures are on Ultra but I refuse to believe that those textures are ultra haha.
  4. Hey guys, So I'm just wondering, does anyone else have really bad textures? the ground, rocks, and trees are very low res. I'm playing poker atm and the cards are blurry as hell. I have a mix of settings throughout and have been messing around with the settings trying to sort this out to no avail. If I change my textures from ultra to low, and restart they look the exact same and my FPS doesn't change. I've tried medium and high and again, no change. Image 1: https://prod-cdnugc-rockstargames.akamaized.net/ugc/rdr2photo/iMje3u0qTkqGQduY6hCgQw/0_0.jpg Image 2: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/photo/rdr2/K2ENTz--zkeLTWXDkLbceA Image 3: https://prod-cdnugc-rockstargames.akamaized.net/ugc/rdr2photo/7rpi0RscI0atN0-Y_bzDWQ/0_0.jpg These images are with Ultra textures Also, does anyone know how to change the resolution using Vulkan GPU API? I can change to DX12 and change res, then change to Vulkan but that just makes the game shit itself and a restart just reverts it to 1080p if Vulkan is selected. Is it just not possible to use Vulkan at any other res than 1920x1080? Thanks in advance!
  5. Hey guys, so I'm trying to create a small calendar that will show say 7 days at the bottom of my activity in android studio and I was just wondering what on screen elements I should be using to make this? Here is an example of something extremely similar to what I am trying to create (bottom of the UI): https://cdn.segmentnext.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/pes-2016-live-screens.jpg I was thinking about having a frame layout as a container and then I wasn't sure what I would use to create each individual day on the calendar? I want to have each day as a square, with the number in the top left and an image view in the center to display an image if something is happening on that day (exactly like it is in the image). I was thinking maybe have 7 frame layouts within the original containing frame layout, with each of those frame layouts containg a textView and an Image view, would that be the correct way of going about that? or is there a more efficient way to set this up? Thanks in advance!
  6. I'd argue this, I have a Carsair m95 and I couldn't game now without the side buttons, and even before I adjusted to them I used to hate having to bind so many buttons to the keyboard and found it tedious. This mouse has made gaming so much more enjoyable for me. Obviously if you can only afford one or the other I'd invest in the system first, but I think a good mouse is worth the investment. I personally wouldn't pay the money for wireless as OP wants but for other features a mouse can offer I feel like they're worth it.
  7. I just did this through console commands, not sure if that makes a difference. It's really a dilemma for me atm, I either have sluggish feeling aim, or a headache inducing picture, really making me go off gaming over the last couple of weeks.
  8. My issue is trying to avoid using Vsync, I can get more than 60, but with Vsync off and >60fps I get screen tear. I don't like the feel of having Vsync on but turning it off is giving me a whole bunch of other issues unfortunately.
  9. Hey guys, So I'll start with my specs: System (laptop): GTX 970M 3gb, i7 4720HQ, 16gb ram, 1tb 7200rpm HDD Monitor: 1080p, IPS, 60hz, 5ms, AOC I2477fwq So I'm having some issues gaming recently, it feels like I have to play with Vsync which feels really off to me, or play with screen tear. I thought I'd found a work around by capping fps to 58/59 with Vsync off, and it did remove the screen tear, or most of it at least to the point where it doesn't bother me, but it looks like it's running at 30fps, it feels responsive and feels good but it just looks really choppy like a 30fps game which can give me a head aches at times. The thing that I can't wrap my head around is that I was playing Apex Legends and Battlefield V on my desktop: GTX 770 3gb, i7 4670k, 16gb ram, 1tb 7200rpm, and it was running smooth, no screen tear, no vsync, no choppy image quality but with my laptop on the same screen I had the problems I mentioned above. Is this primarily a laptop problem? I'm super confused as to why one worked perfectly fine and one is a chore to game on.Obviously everything looks fine on my laptop with Vsync on but it feels completely different and almost 'sluggish' for lack of a better word. Was hoping someone where could shed some light on what's happening or possibly offer a fix/work around. Thanks in advance. :)
  10. Yeah, I knew that but was wondering why the licences Xbox cable wouldn't work, I found out that the housing within the Xbox controller to hold the micro USB was a bit warped so wasn't holding the cable in as well and that seems to be my issue. Thanks for the response tho!
  11. Hey Guys so i have an XBOX One controller, and it won't work with the Xbox cable it came with on my PC, I've tried 5 micro usb cables and the only one it works with is this really old, short, split cable that is on the way out so sometimes cuts out (if i sit pretty still it has no issues). All my other micro USB cables work with other devices so I'm really confused as to whats going on. I've tried uninstalling the device and trying the different cables to pick it up and reinstall drivers, I've tried all the USB ports on my PC with all the cables. I struggle to believe its a controller fault either since it does work with that one cable fine? Can't afford a new one atm so thought I'd ask here and hope someone can save the day! Thanks in advance.
  12. Hey guys, I haven't played BFV in about 2 months and I'm really struggling to play now. I'm getting constant FPS drops and freezing for ~1 second. A related issue is that I usually play with BFV set to "high priority" through task manager which usually sorts all this out for me, and it still does, kind of.. When I set the game to run in high priority I get what I can only describe as "inconsistant sensitivity".. so pretty much half the time I have my normal sensitivity and half the time I have a slower, or much slower sensitivity when running in high priority (so impossible to run or aim properly), If I run in "above normal priority" my sensitivity feels fine but I get the before mentioned fps drops and freezes. Anyone have any idea what's wrong? Temps are fine, and 2 months ago I played 60fps perfectly fine on high priority and I've since slightly overclocked my GPU (tested before and after OC and no difference.) I cleaned my fans and replaced my thermal paste on both my GPU and CPU today and still having the same issues. Specs: GTX 970M i7 4720hq 16 gb ram 1tb 7200rpm Speccy temps: CPU: ~70 GPU: ~50 Thanks in advance!
  13. Okay I've had some tea and came back and it was a mistake on my end, I was calling the method that contained the timers within the OnLocationChange method for GoogleMaps so it was calling it every second or so, so it wasn't the timer not working, it was the timer working multiple times. Can't figure out how to delete so thought I'd explain the issue and just mark it as solved.
  14. Hey Guys, so this is kind of a simple question but one that I can't figure out what's going wrong with. I'm trying to have something happen every 5 seconds so I wanted to set up a timer/handler to do this but everything i've tried has just waited 5 seconds, then after that initial wait just does it every second and I can't figure out why. I'm sure it's something simple and I'm just tired but I would greatly appreciate some help. I'll attach below the stuff that I've tried: //1 handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("EVERY 5 SECONDS 1"); handler.postDelayed(this, 5000); }}, 5000); //2 new java.util.Timer().schedule( new java.util.TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("EVERY 5 SECONDS 2"); } },5000); //3 Timer timer = new Timer(); TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask() { public void run() { handler.post(new Runnable() { public void run(){ System.out.println("EVERY 5 SECONDS 3"); } }); } }; timer.schedule(timerTask, 5000, 5000); They're all doing the same thing nothing happens for 5 seconds (which is good) and then they spam the log every second (not so good) and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance.
  15. Hmm yeah I'll just keep playing around with he older drivers then I guess. Really strange.
  16. Hey guys, So I have an i7 4720HQ, gtx 970M 16gb ram and a 1TB 7200RPM HDD, just wanted to start with that. I've been getting back into Battlefield 4 recently but I'm having some issues with my frame rate. If I play with Vsync off I can get around 90-100 average fps with Mostly High, some Medium settings (lowest drop I saw was 75fps when there is a lot of explosives going off) but there is quite noticeable screen tear and it feels jumpy, but if I turn Vsync on most the time I sit on 60 fps, but every now and then it drops to 50 and even 45 fps, even if I turn everything to low. It makes it so frustrating when I can't aim because of stuttering or something. I just can't understand how the game never even gets close to dropping to 60 fps without Vsync but with it it can't stay at 60? These drops are random, not happening when there's explosives etc. Just for reference I've played BF4 for years on the same system and never had any issues (which kinda makes me think it's the new GeForce experience because shadow play has been buggy as hell too, or the newer drivers), there are also issues in other games such as BF1, Battlerite (which really isn't demanding at all), PES 2018, PES 2019 Demo, PUBG, and probably some more I'm forgetting. I've tried restarting, reinstalling the game and reinstalling my GPU drivers and even some older drivers (Which actually work a lot better). ATM I'm using the 398.36 Nvidia driver (2nd most recent one) and it is better than the most recent driver but still not what I'd expect. Would appreciate any help guys, at the moment I'm just trying out older drivers and hoping one of them fixes the issue. Off to bed now but will reply tomorrow if anyone comments. TL;DR: Game runs at High/Med with Vsync OFF at 90-100 avg, 75 lowest, but feels choppy. With Vsync ON, struggles to stay at 60fps even on low settings. Thanks in advance!
  17. Ah, yep, I feel like an idiot. I didn't even think it could be an XML problem! I deleted my "submit_btn" and replaced it with "submit_button" so I was calling a button that no longer existed. Thank you!
  18. Hey guys, so I'm trying to make a sign up page, however whenever I add the Button handler to my button it crashes before it even loads the activity. So it isn't happening on the button click, but when the activity starts to load. If I remove the line where I attach my button handler to my button ("submit_btn.setOnClickListener(new ButtonHandler());") it launches and runs fine. Here is the code: public class SignUp extends AppCompatActivity { private Button submit_btn; private EditText name_txt; private EditText age_txt; private EditText height_txt; private EditText weight_txt; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_sign_up); setup_activity(); } private void setup_activity() { //set up on screeen controls submit_btn = (Button) findViewById(R.id.submit_btn); name_txt = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.name_text); age_txt = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.age_txt); weight_txt = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.weight_text); height_txt = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.height_text); //assign handlers submit_btn.setOnClickListener(new ButtonHandler()); //runs fine without this line } private class ButtonHandler implements View.OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(View view) { submit_btn.setText("success"); } } } Would appreciate any help, been struggling with this for way too long. Thanks in advance!
  19. Yeah I'm using an admin user, I can't think of anything else that could prevent it tho since it's at factory settings?
  20. That's what comes installed with Windows 10 right? So you don't think I need an external Anti Virus?
  21. Hey guys, so i reset windows this morning and now i'm unable to install anti virus? I tried Avast and AVG and both fail during installation. I've tried starting the install again multiple times and re downloading but neither will work. AVG just says "There was an error while completing the setup process" and Avast says "Avast installer is unable to continue because the installer is corrupted or is forbidden to run on this machine" Does anyone have any idea what's going wrong? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
  22. Yeah re installing my GPU drivers fixed the issue, thanks!
  23. Just checked and it's set to use the 970m so unfortunately that's not what's causing it.
  24. Hey guys, so I finally did the windows update it's been asking me to do but ever since I did, I can't play any game without it having a really low frame rate. Even easy to run games like Dota 2 or Smite won't run and games that I used to get 60+fps on are now running at around 20 fps. I checked all my drivers were up to date and I've checked my temperatures in case they had something to do with it but they're fine too. Here's my specs (Laptop): GTX 970M i7 4720HQ 16gb ram 1TB 7200RPM If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated!
  25. Hey guys, So I'm trying to pass a variable into a Where clause in SQL (within PHP) but I can't seem to figure out how to do it, I've had a look on stack overflow but everything I found just looked completely different. I'm sure it's pretty straight forward but I just can't figure it out so I would appreciate any help you guys have to offer! Here's what I've tried: $name = $_POST['studentName']; $getID_query = 'SELECT studentID from student_tbl WHERE firstName=($name)'; $getID_query = 'SELECT studentID from student_tbl WHERE firstName=$name'; $getID_query = 'SELECT studentID from student_tbl WHERE firstName=' $name; $getID_query = 'SELECT studentID from student_tbl WHERE (firstName=$name)'; error: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '$name' in 'where clause' $name definitely has data as I printed it to the console to check. Also is the value that this query returns stored in "$getID_query"? so if I echo'd $getID_query after the select statement would it print out the selected studentID? Thanks in advance