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  1. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/LWJwFT I already have the case. By good I mean, can it run any game 60+ fps on ultra or high
  2. I want an Nvidia gpu and a quad core intel cpu I will overclock I have the peripherals, and the CASE - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811139038&cm_re=spec_03_black-_-11-139-038-_-Product AIM - Play Battlefield 4 at high/ultra
  3. not intel gpu I meant nvidia, and a better intel CPU I mistyped completely :c
  4. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Reeverr/saved/fWLj4D Is this build upgradable to an Intel CPU and an Intel GPU
  5. Is this upgradeable to say a GTX 970 or something? and a new processor.
  6. aw I kinda wanted dual-channel
  7. I want to play Battlefield 4 on med-high and arma 2 and 3
  8. Yeah I guess, I dont know what that means but okay.
  9. I have the OS, I have the peripherals, I need a monitor
  10. this is the case http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA0AJ2985970&cm_re=Corsair_Mid_tower-_-11-139-038-_-Product
  11. I have the case its a mid-tower I just need the parts. help pls :3
  12. 1. $750 2. Only the PC and the Monitor is in that budget. 3. Razer Blackwidow, Razer Naga Molten, and the monitor I posted. 4. I am in the U.S
  13. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Reeverr/saved/3jZrxr EDITED! tell me what you think now.