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it's very good to know that even if I get 0% on the final I'm still passing 


it won't be a good mark but I'll still pass. 

  1. NoxiousOdor


    That must actually be a pretty good feeling

  2. linustouchtips


    many moons ago when i was in uni i had to do a personal finance course. had high marks the whole year. then finals came around i forgot everything but i remembered something he said. if you don't know the answer don't leave it blank and if you make a good joke or draw a nice picture ill give you partial credit. Almost half of my test was filled with poorly drawn pictures of the sun, the school, classroom and a few sketches of him. At the end he gave me a passing grade for the final and I flawlessly passed the course nice guy.

  3. NoxiousOdor


    @linustouchtips   that is awesome haha

  4. themctipers


    I draw diagrams for everything to get that extra mark if my explication of whatever isn't clear enough. 


    Also because the time is 2 hours and I finished in 40min
