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Everything posted by nicolas2465

  1. Budget (including currency): 1200 Country: Canada Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: Stardew valley, Sims, Minecraft, Horizon Zero Dawn (highest requirement game) Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc): I have started this parts list: https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/user/nicolasjauvin/saved/MPFqbv I am building a PC for my GF and have been out of the loop a bit on how parts have changed in last few years. This is meant to be an entry level gaming build that has some future proofing, not really restricted to getting a very cheap or barebones build. She's looking for some RGB as well so I added the ram with RGB, but not sure if the GPU I chose has RGB. I made it an AMD build as it was cheaper, at least a few years ago. Any recommendations welcome! I also don't know what case to get yet. She's looking to do a black + purple build or black, purple and white.
  2. Hi, currently I have a corsair RM550 and since I'm upgrading my GPU I was thinking of upgrading it. Ideally I would want an RM750 since I like the corsair brand. Would it be possible to get an RM750 and just swap it with my 550 without having to rewire all the cables and keep the same cables as the 550?
  3. Hello guys, I am looking to do a bit of an upgrade on my PC, add more ram, few things. But right now I am using the Be quiet dark rock pro 4 cooler and although I have had no issues with it, I am just tired of having this GIANT metal block which prevents me from reaching a lot of things on the motherboard at the top. I am looking for a more sleak solution. Considering this case has infamously barely any intake, would it make sense to just get a smaller air cooler? Or would something like a 280 water cooler make sense? I am not really sure which would be better here, bit of a noob on cooling. I believe there is enough room to mount a 280 at the front, OR a 180 at the back or top. If y'all think I should stick to air cooling, any recommendations on a smaller cooler that is quiet and performs well?
  4. I tried to update the firmware and I only get an error, can't figure it out. Not surprised considering this is MSI. I'll have to contact their support monday
  5. Been using it for 2 days now, I gotta say the colors POP they are so beautiful, never had a monitor like this. The weird colors I mentionned was because I had HDR on which generally I don't like. This monitor is so bright I had to go dark theme on every site. But it looks amazing. Gsync works great, buttery smooth framerate. My only criticism so far, and this only applies because I work remotely, is that the stand is not as wide as some other monitors so on a standing desk it wobbles more than the LG monitors.
  6. As an update I've purchased the MSI recommended above. So far so good, however in-game I can definitely see what y'all were saying with the colors being a bit weird. I'll try to calibrate it a bit
  7. I have to be honest I have no idea what any of you are talking about with the clamped srbg and ICC stuff XD I had never heard of this? I see some review comments saying the colors are a bit weird.. Is this monitor really that different than others? I am a bit worried on how it will look. Is there a reason why the MSI is better than the other ones I listed? If the srgb stuff hadn't been mentioned I would have gone with it but now I'm concerned?
  8. So I had bought a 4k 60fps monitor to be able to play PC games and also my PS5 on the same monitor, but turns out playing Doom Eternal and other games with frame dips below 60 (or even constant 60) is miserable for me. So, I am going back down to 1440p to get a higher refresh rate and fps. My main points are IPS for the colors and pop, gsync for no tearing, and anywhere between 120-200hz doesn't really matter. Response time is not a huge deal to me as most monitors are below 5ms anyway it seems. I also use my monitor for work but it's not editing or anything intensive. So far I've got these three as potentials, does anyone have experience with them or know of any issues with them? Or do you have other recommendations for a solid choice? https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07TD94TQF/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A19N3NI8X4F24J&psc=1 https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07VP9GS1Q/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&psc=1 https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07WQ4FXY9/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?smid=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&psc=1 I can't really see much of a difference between these but viewsonic is a bit more expensive not sure why. Also I had never heard of nano IPS before. I am guessing it's just better than regular IPS?
  9. Hi, I need to build this tool for work and to be completely honest I don't have the excel skills. My boss won't pay for someone to do it profesionally and IT is too busy. I am building a tool for recruiters to select questions for the interview and write their notes based on a selection of the position level of the job (in Front End sheet) which would then auto-populate competency fields, with options to add optional ones. The questions are not finalized but the required competencies for each level (there are 3 brackets) are identified in the sheet "Position Levels". I'd like to get rid of the sheet "List" and instead based on formulas auto-populate competency fields and the available questions to choose from based on those all within the Front End sheet, and then what you select would show up on the front page. The database for competency selection and associated interview questions should be in the "Question Database" sheet. If you can think of a better way to do it I am all ears. Maybe I am thinking about it the wrong way. Basically, I just want recruiters to get specific competencies with their associated questions to choose from based on if they choose levels 1-6, 7-8, or 9-12 Interview Grid DDI - Level competency selection V2.xlsx
  10. I think that at this point I would perhaps be willing to go down to 60hz (ideally 75-100 though) for a 4k, IPS and freesync monitor. 28-34" would really be ideal in size. I don't really find it necessary anymore to go 120-144hz I am finding it kind of hard to find good ones
  11. Hi all, so I just got my PS5 and am looking for a monitor that would serve well for both PC gaming (100hz or more) and PS5 (4k as well). I currently have a really good LG ultra-wide 120hz 1440p monitor for my PC, and a 43" 4k TV for my PS5, but I find that not enough games support ultra-wide monitors and I don't really find I have enough room in my flat for a large TV. I want to just simplify things down to one monitor that can support both platforms (I don't really need audio from the monitor, can use headphones). I don't like tearing nor vsync and so freesync (Or gsync but that's usually too expensive I find) would be nice if possible. Do you guys have any recommendations? I am Canadian and ideally I'd like to stay below $1000 and not to go above 34". Thanks
  12. Hey, I saw those but where does the end that doesn't go into the SSD go? My power supply doesn't have that 15 pin connector on it as shown in the picture. Or do I need an adapter for that end too to connect to the psu via 6 pin?
  13. Hi guys, my sata power cables connect from my power supply (corsair rm550x) via a 6 pin type 4 cable to my SSDs. However my power supply only included long cables with angled power connectors (picture attached, I don't know what this type of connector is called aside from just sata power?). Since my SSDs are at the back of my case, it would be easier to connect them with power with simpy straight sata cables straight from my power supply instead of the long ones with several connectors that are angled. Apologies but my googling skills seem to suck and I can't find exactly what I need. Do you have any suggestions for this type of setup?
  14. That's a good recommendation. Do you know if there's a way to paint that red off though? God I hate that red "dragon" gaming look these monitors have. At that price point I'd consider the TUF gsync from Asus.. I hate to sound so picky but aesthetics do kind of matter to me haha
  15. My bad, I forgot to update that I have a 2070 now. And I saw some posts saying the BenQ worked with freesync with nvidia cards (with now nvidia allowing it).
  16. Hi, I am looking for a 1440p, IPS, freesync (G-sync compatible) monitor. Here are the best two I found so far : https://www.amazon.ca/Gaming-VG27AQ-G-SYNC-Monitor-155Hz/dp/B07WQ4FXY9/ref=pd_rhf_ee_p_img_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=8ST89D4FRKKYVTH8E3K4 and: https://www.amazon.ca/BenQ-EX2780Q-Gaming-Monitor-DCI-P3/dp/B07X51X3CB/ref=pd_rhf_ee_p_img_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=8ST89D4FRKKYVTH8E3K4 Honestly, I'm really torn. On one hand, the BenQ to me looks nicer, and has speakers (in case I buy a PS5), but it's also more expensive and only tilts. And I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with either of these two or have any reasons why one would be better? Hard decision.
  17. Hi guys, I upgraded my PC a little bit ago last year and I have an RTX 2060. I play games like WoW, Witcher 3, Overwatch, and usually stick to games like that. I was wondering what you'd recommend for a new monitor. I don't really want to go for a g-sync display because they're expensive as hell, and from what I gather a freesync monitor that's approved by Nvidia would do the same job? I'm guessing I should go at least 120hz, but not sure if 1440p is in the cards? What do you think? Should I go 1080p 144, 1440p 120, etc... And I'm finding it quite hard to find freesync monitors that work with nvidia cards.. unless you look at the list of approved monitors on the Nvidia page but it has no links or pictures or anything so you don't even know what years model it is and such. Thanks
  18. Hi, I am using an i7-8700K and recently swapped between and Asus and an MSI motherboard. The asus was a z370-a and the msi a z390 pro carbon. I found that the MSI is giving me problems with static and stuff in the audio, however it's sound is much more powerful when listening to music. I had much less audio issues with the Asus board, but the overall volume and punch of my audio was lower. Is there any other recommendations I can get? Maybe the z370 boards from asus have bad sound?
  19. I've posted about this before, but I am getting loud pops in my audio as well as occasional crackling. It's really annoying and especially bad on discord. I tried EVERYTHING. Changed my motherboard, reinstalled windows, turned off audio enhancements, updated all drivers, etc. Now I am seeing that perhaps DCP latency can cause this, and look at this picture here. That sounds like my issue! How can I remedy this?
  20. But it shows up as a drive in my computer though.
  21. Hi, please see attached pictures. I just reinstalled windows and I am trying to merge all partitions into 2; one for my windows installation, and the other for storage. Unfortunately I am unable to merge these shown here, and especially the Z partition is really odd as it is really small and has no use? How can I go about this?
  22. Im an idiot. Sorry. Tired and long day.
  23. Can you guys help me? I'm trying to plug in my front power button connector into my new motherboard but I can't seem to find it and get it to work. Can you tell me which of these two plugs is the front panel power if you have an idea? Motherboard manual isn't really helping me much here