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  1. @MeepLikesToBuildPc's's hmm ik zal er eens naar kijken of ik mijn build daarop kan aanpassen, bedankt voor de informatie.
  2. @GamerPro11, i have read about something like that before with an i5 and a higher GPU, i will look into it. @MeepLikesToBuildPc's's, nee ik weet niks van overklokken dus het lijkt me niet slim om dat dan te gaan doen ook, dat moederbord wat in jou build zit is een stuk goedkoper dan dat ik in gedachten had, of maakt dat niks uit?
  3. EVGA GeForce GTX 760 2GB Superclocked ACX Cheapest price here is: €205.90
  4. Hey all, i'm going to build a new computer and i am not sure about what parts i should pick. This is what i currently have in mind: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/C9Z7yc My budget is around ~1000 euros and i live in The Netherlands. Is there anything that i should change on this build? As i heard that my motherboard is a bit overkill and that a higher GPU would be better. I will be using the PC mainly for gaming and programming and probably streaming/recording in the future.