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About Revan117

  • Birthday Nov 13, 1992

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  1. Thx I will starting reading it, yes i believe that it's still an intersection.
  2. Intersection 1 no intersection 1 7 8 5 10 5 12 5 2 10 10 2 1 3 10 8 7
  3. Yeah, that's what I saw, it's not as easy as getting the slope line to get the line segment. I need more help on that part
  4. For my java class I was given an assignment to code two line segments and test if they intersect or not. I'm not asking for the code, I'm trying to do that myself, I'm just wanting to figure out the formula for the two line segments. I have read to use cross product or dot product, but I still need help with the math, plz help.
  5. Yeah I just don't want them to be too bright since they are to be in my line of sight.
  6. Wow, these have some good reviews on them, but they look a little bright, or is that just me?
  7. I actually want the fan to have LED lights too.
  8. I have been looking for some case fans my Phanteks Enthoo Pro full tower case. I have been trying to get two 120mm , one 140mm and one 200mm fan blue led fans, but are so many different brands to choose from. Also since I picked a windowed pc, I also been wanting some led strips. My budget is around 40 bucks for the fans, or 60 with the LED strips, and I would appriecate any feedback you give. If you need more information, just post it, thx. oh and I want all the lights to be blue plz.
  9. Thx, I had something else on the one of argument fields.
  10. I tried that but I think it made it worse, now I used the CMD to run the file, it compiled and printed out Hello world. So does that mean that the issues lies on EditPlus itself?
  11. Just updated the form, the code to see if it runs. I named the file Test01.java and I also saved it under user file.
  12. I have been trying to add EditPlus on my desktop computer to compile a simple code to make sure it works. I have already had added it on my laptop without any problems, but every time I try to compile it gives me an error message. plz help.
  13. Thx I will just turn it off safely ,like I have been doing when I'm not using it. As for you second question, no I only found this resolution , sorry
  14. I'm just using a home desktop , which I have just recently build. I have been told that I should turn off my desktop every time I'm not going to use it, most say because of the consist power it's drawing. Others have also said/talked about the consist surge a computer gets when turned and off repeatedly. Should I be worried about any damage being done on my computer with turning it off and on, or should I just have it on, period? PLZ help
  15. WOW, THX! Man I'm an idiot, I thought I messed up, somehow, in the build but it works.