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  • CPU
    i5 4690k
  • Motherboard
    MSI Z97 G55 SLI
  • RAM
    G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB -2133
  • GPU
    EVGA GTX 970 ACX 2.0 SC
  • Case
  • Storage
  • PSU
    Corsair RM650W
  • Cooling
    Coolermaster Seidon 120v Liquid Cooler
  • Operating System
    Windows 7

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  1. I need to convert this code to JavaScript so that it can be embedded into a web browser. I am okay at python, but have never coded before. I would massively appreciate any help. from urllib.request import urlopen, Request import json import random greetings = ["Hello", "Hi", "Greetings"] response = ["I can do what ever you need", "I'm not as clever as your manager but ask me anyway", "I can't juggle. Anything else - just don't ask me to juggle"] def main(): print("Hello") print("As well as greetings I can also do other things. Type 'List' to see possible responses") while True: user = input("Enter your message: ") if user == "1": holidays() elif user == "2": shift() elif user == "3": swap() elif user in greetings: print("Hello. What can I help you with?") elif user == "Who are you?": print("I'm MyShiftPlanner, your shift working helper") elif user == "What can you do?": print(random.choice(response)) elif user == "List" or user == "list": print("1. Check how many days until your next holiday\n2. Check when your next shift is\n3. Swap your shift with someone else") elif user == "quit": return else: print("Sorry, I didn't understand that") def holidays(): choice = input("Do you want to know how many days are left until your holiday? (Y/N) ") if choice == "y" or choice == "Y": main = urlopen("https://myshiftplannercloud.azurewebsites.net/api/ChatBot/DaysOff?employeeID=joe512") string = json.loads(main.read()) print("Your next holiday is on", string["NextHoliday"]) print("You have", string["DaysUntil"], "days to go!") else: main() def shift(): choice = input("Do you want to know when your next shift is? (Y/N) ") if choice == "y" or choice == "Y": main = urlopen("https://myshiftplannercloud.azurewebsites.net/api/ChatBot/NextShift?employeeID=joe512") string = json.loads(main.read()) print("Your next shift is on", string["ShiftDate"], "and you are working", string["ShiftType"]) else: main() def swap(): choice = input("Do you want to change your shift? (Y/N) ") if choice == "Y" or choice == "y": datey = int(input("Please enter the year of the shift you want to swap(YYYY): ")) datem = int(input("Please enter the month of the shift you want to swap(MM): ")) dated = int(input("Please enter the day of the shift you want to swap (DD): ")) conditionsSetURL = "https://myshiftplannercloud.azurewebsites.net/api/ChatBot/SwapShift?employeeID=joe512&date={}-{}-{}&swapwith=frank".format(datey, datem, dated) newConditions = {"EmployeeID": "joe512", "ShiftDate": "{}-{}-{}".format(datey, datem, dated), "SwappedWith": "frank"} params = json.dumps(newConditions).encode('utf8') req = Request(conditionsSetURL, data=params, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) response = urlopen(req) print(response.read().decode('utf8')) print("Your shift on {}-{}-{} has been swapped with".format(datey, datem, dated), "Frank") else: main() main() Lewis
  2. hmmm, right now my top memory hoggers in task manager are JC3, google chrome (which i have closed while playing) and malwarebytes and Fsecure
  3. I have included two screenshot, one while not moving and standing still, the other while driving - where most of the lag happens. At the start of the game for the first 15 second when i am running around it runs perfectly fine. These are taken while playing just cause 3 While afk During driving When i am laggin my GPU load is very low compared to afk, high fps
  4. No, i've closed down everything (although there is still background processes)
  5. I'll launch the game and have a look, i'll include a screenshot of it
  6. I just cleaned it before i posted this, but its never been a problem. I ran OpenHardwareMonitor while playing JC3 but they seemed normal (max 53)
  7. I have a gtx 970 with an i5 4690k (neither are OC) and 16gb ram that i built last christmas, up until a few days ago everything has been working brilliantly with no hitches. However, on Tuesday i started experiencing lag on CSGO - down from 300+ to just 100 and suffering massive lag and stuttering in Just Cause 3. I installed the new Nvidia driver on tuesday before i played JC3 so i don't know if it is the drivers that are the issue but havent seen it publicised that they affect anything. Any help would be much appreciated!
  8. I currently have a 1tb hard drive which is my only hdd thats 900gb full. I am upgrading to an ssd and i'm going to use the 1tb for games and such. How can i wipe it ready to be used as a secondary hard drive? Thanks
  9. Will i have to use the same activation key or will it already be activated?
  10. I am currently running windows 10 (upgraded from windows 7) on a 1tb hdd. This christmas i am upgrading to a 500gb ssd which is obviously smaller than the 1tb i am using now (950gb full) so i was going to install windows onto the ssd and then use hard drive for games and such. My question is, i will be using the same disk that i installed windows 7 with originally but can i use it again as i have already activated windows on the old hard drive. I have heard that activation is to the motherboard, so can i use it or do i have to buy a new windows to install to the ssd? Sorry if it sounds unclear, got in from school and i'm shattered. Thanks