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About RazerFreak

  • Birthday Apr 07, 1994

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  1. LOL that's what I've said in other comments, I was more agreeing with him saying that they had 15 games why couldn't they at least show one in-game demo which would of been nice because they wouldn't of been as 'Nazi stomped' over the people who wanted to see something about gaming. (which i didn't mind.)
  2. All I could say with that is, their not in the right state of mind at the moment, they have done some really stupid shit lately and I hope they fix them before the release or they're going to lose a lot of customers.
  3. Yeah i'm cleaning it up with some more info that people have said, i'm also taking out a paragraph and making a pro's and cons instead it'll be easier for people to read and understand. I wrote this up the other day after watching both the Xbox and PS4 reveal video's sorry just noticed that there was quite a lot of rambling in it.
  4. 'Ok so not many people are happy with Microsoft because they focused too much on being an all in one Home media system/desk top box/DVR and that they had lack of Focus on gaming.....Consoles are cheap graphic entertainment not a computer....wait for E3 for the consoles gaming side.' easier for you too read?
  5. Nice post, All that is totally true and for Microsoft sake I hope they click on to it soon before they crash and burn. They brought out some good features and both MS and PS have the new APU in the system which will increase the consoles gaming graphic substantially. Thanks for a good post, I hope others read your post before posting to understand whats the real the problem of the Xbox One .
  6. The Xbox 360 had different Gen's, they wouldn't upgrade it's hardware, thats what the Xbox one it is the update/new console. No console keeps up to date with hardware, now both the Xbox and PS4 have been upgraded after how many years. The slim, Arcade, Elite had pretty much the same hardware due to having to make sure that the newer gens like the Elite's and Slim's hardware didn't out scale it's previous gen consoles, or you would find that the xbox 360 games may not work on the older gens only then new. so now that this console is coming out you can expect Xbox One Games not the xbox 360's.
  7. I Totally agree, that's why they won't go away it's such a good alternative and Your idea is a great idea to us the consumer but they wouldn't allow it. But i'm happy because from what I've seen the AMD APU is being used very well.
  8. Yeah, I was talking about the Elite I didn't know if the originals had the same hardware as the elite which i know can play all the xbox 360's games.
  9. Yeah some of there features have wholes but i liked the idea's and i can't wait till i can get through this Ps4 reveal video. The Xbox 360 was created in 2007 and it can play Crysis 3 and it looks good. (Consoles will never look as good as PC, don't take it that way just saying it's looks good on this old hard ware)
  10. You do understand the Xbox 360 was built in 2007 and it still this good, they also only had 512mb of RAM and now it has 8gb or RAM.
  11. Yeah they finally thought it through....they got a good D-pad. :lol:
  12. The TV functionality will be available to other out side the US, I don't know when but it will expand out hopefully they will have something out by release. -From what i gathered though i thought you could connect and pay subscription TV DVR with a HDMI cable/HMDI pass through and receiver.-correct me if i'm wrong