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  1. For 1080p this card is ideal. I managed to OC it up to 1450Mhz and I'm running all games maxed out.
  2. Is 75 degrees on an MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4G @ 1450 MHz good? I was running it in Witcher 3 at ultra settings and it left me worry a little. The fan speed was at 90 percent.
  3. £89 monitor on Amazon with a 2MS responce time, 1920 x 1080p. Is it good for gaming? I don't know much about monitors and with that price, I just wanted to make sure it's suitable.
  4. That looks like an amazing build, going to go for it but I'm switching the R9 290 for an MSI GTX 970. I'm not a fan of AMD.
  5. Budget is £1000 so please use uk.pcpartlist I build one, just wondering if it's good enough. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/znB8zy
  6. I don't care about it being cheap, I want something that gives performance.
  7. I really want to play games maxed out at 60 FPS, should I go with a Intel i7 4790k and a GTX 970 or a i5 4690k with a GTX 980?
  8. Nightly

    GTX 970 Uses?

    Amazing card for a 1080p monitor, I shall be getting this card soon and I look forward to it. I heard it performs as well as a GTX 980 at stock when overclocked.
  9. First game I had ever played in my life was Shadow The Hedgehog on PS2.
  10. Hey, I plan to build a PC in the future using a 1920 x 1080 monitor but I want to achieve at least 60 FPS maxed out in all games. What should I go for?