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  1. I mean the quality and overclocking capabilities
  2. OK so I just ordered an ASUS MAXIMUS VII HERO for my gaming rig. What should I expect? Feedback from people that have the HERO would be much appreciated!!!
  3. I can get them both fo the same price actually Does that change anything?
  4. Hi guys thanks for reading this I can't decide on the MOBO for my new gaming build. The CPU is a i7-4790k, i will OC it. Also a GTX 970 from gigabyte. I'm torn between the two mobos in the title. PROS FOR ASUS: -looks -m.2 -onboard sound -intel NIC PROS FOR GB: -more usb 3.0 -more PCIe -DAC USB ports Which one would you recommend and why? Thank you
  5. Yup. You seem like a reasonable person. Would you recommend the ATH M50X for gaming? It's been bothering me
  6. For the motherboards and the GPUs usually ASUS and MSI trump Gigabyte. But with the G1 GTX 970 they've outdone all of them IMO.
  7. It actually isn't possible unfortunately. I need to tell the supplier exactly what I need 4-5 days before they'll ship it to the store. Which is in a town 350km away from my home I'm goin' in blind boyz
  8. So guys I've decided to buy a new PC. And as they say, with a great PC come great peripherals. The mouse g502, a beast. The keyboard, ASUS Strix Tactic Pro, the silent budget owl. But the headphones..... Aren't decided yet I've done extensive research on headphone types, closed,open, on-ear, over-ear and so on. And I've come to a conclusion, I don't know shit For my whole life I've been using crappy 15$ headphones and the best ones I've tried are the ASUS Strix Pro at the store in Greece The only thing I know is the budget, about 190$ and the type, over-ear closed back headphones. A microphone should be included in the price modded or not As I said I don't know shit about sound signatures and all that because I never had a listen to any proper headphones. I've heard great things about the M50x but some say it's overrated crap. I've read godly reviews about the Cloud II but people say it's not even close to a real mid-range headphone. Could you please help me? I'll be using them primarily for gaming and listening to music. If you need any more info please do say so
  9. I respect your opinion but why would you choose ASUS or MSI 970 over the Gigabyte G1? It's got the best base clock, best OC capability, best cooling, right? I'm not trying to hate on you I just want to know your reason
  10. OK, so I managed to pull out a 980. If I get an i5 4690k and 8GB of ram I can afford a 980. Is that worth it in the long run? Or are the more RAM and a better CPU more beneficial.
  11. Oh don't worry. I live in Serbia. It's on sale. The electronics in Serbia are grossly overpriced. Like 800$ for a GTX 980. The Strix is 110$ and the next cheapest Cherry MX is like 140$. So... Yeah
  12. The ROG Gladius isn't available in my country yet so no cigar there So the g502?
  13. Yo guys, I'm buying a new gaming rig at the of the month and of course I'll be needing new peripherals. I've already decided on the ASUS Strix Tactic Pro keyboard (nothing as good at its price range) and the ATH M50X headphones. The only things left are the mouse and the mousepad. The mice I'm currently considering are the ASUS Strix Claw and the Logitech G502. I'm considering the ASUS one just because it would look nice next to the keyboard. Is it worth buying it for that or does the g502 overwhelm it even with the color mismatch? I'm not sure what my grip is but I would say it's a hybrid between claw and palm grip. I'll probably be getting an ASUS mousepad too sooo, more color mismatch Thank you!
  14. Couldn't I just enable XMP in the BIOS to make my 2133Mhz RAM run at that speed? Or did I mess that up? I'll look into the WD Black but it's quite a bit more expensive and I'm on a tight budget. I'll see what I can do!