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  1. Hey guys, I've done some research on the parts and here's what I've got so far. Please feel free to correct me. Thanks. Radiator: Alphacool NexXxoS Monsta 120mm 480 X 2 Fans: Corsair SP120 Quiet Edition X16, PUSH PULL. (Should I buy PWM or regular ones?) Tubing: PrimoFlex Advanced LRT Tubing, Bloodshed Red, 10ft pack (Will this color match ROG red?) Fittings: Bitspower Compression Fittings (I'm not sure about the color yet, but my build will be ROG red. What do you think?) CPU Block: Koolance CPU-380i GPU Block: Probably will buy from EVGA? Not sure yet. Pump & Reservoir -- This is the most confusing part Aquacomputer D5 Pump Motor w/ USB and Aquabus Interface Aquacomputer Pump Adapter for D5 Pumps, Compatible w/Aqualis Aqualis Base for Pump Adapter w/Nano Coating, 880mL (Is this too big to fit inside ST10?) Will these components work together? Can they mount vertically on the bottom of the case? Is there a bracket that would support them, like bits power upgrade kits? THANKS FOR THE HELP, GUYS!!!
  2. Thanks!!!. I will take a look at those videos. I think Caselabs ST10 can only support up to 480mm, right?
  3. I also opted 4 X 120 mounting holes on the bottom of the case because I thought about water cooling in future build. Yeah, I'm with you about drilling in the case. I know cases from caselabs are mod friendly, but I really don't want to damage it. I will purchase a mounting plate from caselabs (120 single, right? or 2X120mm?). One question though. Did you drill the hole in the mounting plate yourself or does it come with pre drilled? And also, did you use anything to secure the tube sitting on top of the pump? Will it be stable enough with water filled in? I will do like this. Assuming I mount res and pump like you did in your build, how many angle fittings do you think I need to purchase? What are they? Please be specific if you can. Thanks !!!
  4. Thank you! I will take your advice when I select parts. I will let you know if my selections are good for my build.
  5. I really want to know how you mounted your res. Do I need to have angled fittings for radiator?
  6. Thank you so much for the list. I will look into it today and if I have further questions, I will get back to you. Thanks!!!
  7. I like the idea of separating res and pump as there are plenty of space in ST10. However, I am still wondering how the guy with blue build mounted his res. I see he used reservoir mount, but does it involve drilling? And if you don't mind, can you please give me a complete list of parts I need to purchase, like the way pcpartpicker work that you can just give me a link that has everything in it?
  8. Thank you so much for the input, ForsakenLive. I already had the case for a week already. In fact, the reason I chose ST10 over SM8 is to future proof. I plan to keep this case as long as I can for future project. I like tall case, really, and I think that's the reason I bought it. Does mounting reservior on mid-air involve drilling holes on the case? I prefer not to because I am afraid of messing up such a beautiful case. Will the heavy duty tape handle the weight of reservoir with coolant inside? I don't really mind where to mount the whole assembly as long as it's easy and good looking from outside. I have done research online, and it seems that there are almost no video on how to mount reservoir on the case though. The best part I mean water cooling parts. I already have all the pc hardware parts now, and I just need to purchase water cooling parts and quality of those parts is all I really care. Is this a good fan controller? http://www.frozencpu.com/products/20988/ele-1196/Swiftech_8-Way_PWM_Cable_Splitter_-_SATA_Power_8W-PWM-SPL-ST.html I have corsair af and sp 120 quiet edition. Again, thanks for the help. Hello PC-NOOB. The reason I went Z97 is because I already purchased corsair dominator platinum a long time ago, which is quite expensive, and I know I will lose money if I sell it right now. Instead of selling it for a lose, I will just go ahead and use it then. Also, if I choose to go X99, I have to wait for the MB from ROG. I'm tired of waiting for new parts already. That being said, if I did find a place where I can sell these ram, I will definitely go X99. The titan blacks are from previous pc. Hi Maxwit44, I really appreciate for the help. I have no issue to add additional radiator. The reason I only want one is because I like the clean look inside the case, less tube around. What about 2 480 monsta, one for the roof and one in the front? I've heard EK before, and I really like the design. I will take a deep look into their products. I have corsair fans from previous build. The only thing that keeps bothering me is the pump and res assembly. How many components are in the assembly? I've heard pump top, pump, and so on, and it's so confused!!!!!. Anyway, please feel free and let me know what I should do. THANKS!!!
  9. Hello everyone, First timer here. I have never ever built a water cooled gaming pc before, and therefore, I have tons of questions I would like to ask you guys. Here's my parts so far, Caselabs ST10 (I like tall cases, like 750D) i7-4790K Maximus VII Formula (I don't plan using the built-in cooling feature on this MB, just for the look) Corsair Dominator Platinum 32GB EVGA TITAN BLACK X 2 850 PRO 256GB AX1200i WD 1TB Black Q1: Is one 480 Monsta adequate to cool off titan black in sli mode + 4790k? On top or front? Q2: How to mount reservoir and pump into the case? Should it be mounted in mid-air or in the bottom? What accessories should I purchase to secure the assembly? Q3: What are the best parts available in terms of quality. Money is "kinda" not an issue. Q4: I like the way Caselabs ST10 looks from front, and therefore, I don't want to put a fan controller in the front. Is there a way I can control all the fans via motherboard? Q5: If you have time, can you please provide me a complete list of parts you think I should buy for this build? I am open to any suggestions or recommendations. Thank you!!!