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    Hamilton, New Zealand
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  1. If you are struggling with idea on what to do with the languages you know, try out Project Euler it has a bunch of problems for you to try to solve to allow you to get a better grasp on the languages that you've learnt and to learn other things about languages you know to solve problems that you cannot with your current knowledge.
  2. I have fixed the colour issue in this version. As well as displaying the font that the user has selected and they can also go through the other fonts in the same row. One thing that I noticed when testing is that some of the fonts were not on my computer and this the text box reverts to its default font and size. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zflbrl8ft4wwxbw/HTML%20Converter%20Prototype%202%20V2.exe
  3. Thank you for pointing that out. That second idea is quite a good one. It'll take me two seconds to do both and then re upload it.
  4. For all those that are still interested I have some changes to the program. I have lined up the controls better than in the previous version and changed the colours to use hexadecimal values. I have begun on the editor and added some features to that. Things that I have yet to implement are: Printing and Finding Features that I have however are: Changing the text - font and colour for the editor these features do not effect the code in any way New, Open, Save and Save as are all in there Cut, Copy, Paste and Select all are there as well. Undo is there. There is no redo as the way that I have done undo requires a fair bit of code to redo. I have yet to include things like auto update or replacement of such characters as < and >. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5aurtczibqsth2k/HTML%20Converter%20Prototype%202.exe
  5. That is an idea that I shall have to look into. It should work quite nicely.
  6. There are quite some good ideas there that I will add. The editor and things like bold and italics are being added to the next revision of the program. But a design like shown in the image above is going to have to be in a much later version as I want to get the main things done seeing as the project is due in 3 weeks time. Thank you for the feedback about the < and > because I had not thought about those and will need to make sure that they are replaced with their HTML equivalents. I had also forgotten about undo and redo and things like that, so thanks for the reminder on that. Live preview will not be for several versions either due to both time constrains and the fact that I will have to write that section from scratch again, but if I can get it added before the due date then I will try. Some of the features that you have suggested will be very educational because I have no idea how to do some of them.
  7. Thank you for the feedback. A text editor is the next thing that I was going to add to the program. I have just been swamped doing other work as well so I haven't had time to add it yet. What I have designed is repetitive and money code due to the fact that the initial purpose of this was something for one of my teachers so that he could teach his younger classes HTML.
  8. I have been working on a basic HTML conversion application for a school project. I have read that some people are interested in learning web development and that is the type of person that I have designed this program for. People on this forum are very friendly and helpful so I thought that I would share it here with you guys to get some feedback and suggestions on it. Currently I have only done some features for it: Paragraphs - at the moment I have done colour and a specific set of fonts. Headings - I have done the six most common headings H1 - H6. I have done colour and font for that as well. Links - To other pages on the internet and I have done font for that. I am going to do colour later but there are multiple colours which makes it harder to do. The final thing that I have done is create a reader so that you can open and display code. The program has been written in Visual C# 2010 for those that are interested. At this time I am only attaching a copy release of the code if people want to see the code for the program because they are interested in how I have done things then I will release it, but I haven't added comments or anything like that yet and some of the parts of it are hard to follow if you don't know much about C#. This is the link to the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v93fxabrcy0vfci/HTML%20Converter.exe Features that I plan to add in the future are Lists Pictures I at this time do not intend to add things like tables and divs as they can very dynamic and I cannot think of a way to code them.
  9. From what I save seen, heard and read about this "next generation console" is that it is a glorified home theater pc that is designed to play CoD. The only good thing to come out of this new console is the fact that it has an x86 processor which will mean more multithreading and more CPU core support for games, but if Microsoft take the same time to replace this with the next console what is the point, because it will still be the thing that holds game dev back like the current generation of stuff have done for the past few years.
  10. If we had some way to integrate these two networks together so that people got bit coins based on the successful completion of the equations like the current bit coin network does, then we would see some great things happen and then cures would be found that much faster
  11. This isn't a new feature I used to play WoW a while back and you could play that while the game was downloading.
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  13. It will probably be good knowing google but we will have to wait and see.