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  1. my friend and i both got roccat tyons and he tells me it is terrible and returned i dont think its that bad but i have never had a good mouse before it was called like a anker or something it was like $30 so should i return the mouse and get something better in the price range or is it just my friend doesnt like laser mouses
  2. i have an absolutley terrible cpu a fx-6120 and i wanted to get a new one but im not sure if it is compatible with my motherboard which is a gigabyte angelica 2
  3. i dont understand why i do not get 144 fps I have a gtx 970 windforce if anything i think its because of my cpu which is a fx-6120, when i play i dont even get into the 100s it fluctuates there every once in awhile but it stays steady around 75-80 fps if you have any ideas why it runs so low it would be appreciated
  4. That is how I have my fans set up I will try getting afterburner the fans might not be running at full speed because that happened on my 660 when I would play a game the fan was stuck at 30%
  5. Yeah the case is a haf x it has a 230 mm fan on it, it is like 3 times the size of the one I have currently
  6. I did just get a new case so I will see if my Temps are better with it but I can't test it until tomorrow
  7. Sorry I'm in America so I really only know Fahrenheit off the top of my head but all of the temp gauges on my computer are Celsius
  8. 85 in my house and I have all of my fans setup correctly
  9. When I play csgo which is not a very intensive game I play at the same settings as I did on my 660 but my 970 is a about 20°c hotter I thought the three fans would help but my house with my pc off is around 50°f but my 970 runs at like 75°c so it ends up being about 85°f does is it that for everyone or is something up?
  10. I have been trying to decide what keyboard i want im trying to decide between a k70 rgb or a S.T.R.I.K.E 7 for what I want so can you guys give me your opinion for which one i should get.
  11. i tried every browser safari firefox chrome and internet explorer
  12. I mainly play csgo i used to play minecraft a lot but not very ofteen anymore
  13. i like bigger mouses because i dont like using a claw grip i just want to lay my hand down on it