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Anyone have a Panasonic G7? If so, do you like it? Would you recommend it?
I'm trying to decide on a relatively cheap (<$750 USD) mirrorless camera that supports "unlimited" duration 4K video (Aka until the battery dies or the SD card is full), and the G7 seems to be the best one I've found so far.

  1. TheKDub


    It would be used for a little bit of everything photography wise, though primarily macro and landscape. Videos will be less common, but I still would like the 4K unlimited recording feature to be there. (I may end up using it for some stuff where I need to record several hours non-stop, and I can't have even a second pause in the middle of it. I know a dedicated video camera would be better for that, but why spend extra money on something that'll be used very infrequently when I could just get a decent camera capable of it as well?)

  2. Aytex


    Im trynna grab one too, Not for $750 though.,..

    Shadowbyte has one and he really like it.


  3. shadowbyte


    I've got one personally, as Aytex said, and I love it. It's probably the best laid-out camera I've ever used, with separate dials for shutter speed and aperture, which is super awesome for everything. I've adapted mine to fit old Canon FD lenses, which work well; m4/3 is super cool because you pretty much adapt anything to it. Since it's a smaller sensor, the G7 isn't that great in low-light, but with a low enough aperture and shutter speed at around ISO 1600, it's pretty good, with little noise.

    The 4k video is definitely the selling feature of this camera, as you said. Everything is super crisp and smooth with a high enough class SD card (I ran into some weird issues before I switched to a U3 card). Unfortunately, it doesn't have above 60fps recording, so slow motion is out of the question, which kind of sucks.

    Overall, I love the camera; it's super light, with crazy long battery life (3 days in a row once!), easy lens adaption, and a 3.5mm mic jack for an external microphone. 

    test video:


  4. TheKDub


    Thanks for the replies. Now to wait until black friday / cyber monday for the price to drop back down to $500. (It did last year, maybe it'll go lower since it's at $600 right now)
