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  1. How do I look this info up? I do have a wireless card plugged in, but I was having this issue before I had this.. Also, I just was moving the wireless card around, and I found out that all of the PCI slots underneath the graphics card that does work, say that they are "empty" in the BIOS, even though I have my graphics card plugged into the PCI-E 3.0 slot, and a wireless card plugged into the PCI-E 1.0 slot.... Why would only the the top PCI-E 3.0 and 1.0 slots work?
  2. The problem is I don't ever see that SLI configuration in the NVIDIA control panel. I have uninstalled and reinstalled all the drivers and that was to no avail. I went into the BIOS and it actually says nothing is plugged into that slot, so I think the mobo might be the issue. I tried re-seatting the graphics card but that did not work.. Any suggestions?
  3. Hey guys! Here's my specs: Motherboard (Z97-G45) -- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130771 Graphics Card (GTX 780) -- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127746&cm_re=GTX_780-_-14-127-746-_-Product I am trying to set up the SLI connection, but I can't get NVIDIA to find it.. I have plugged in both graphics cards on their own, and both of them work.. So I know that both graphics cards are good. Both graphics cards have power, and I also have the SLI bridge hooked up between the two, but for some reason NVIDIA won't pop up with the "Enable SLI" menu in the control panel for the graphics cards.. Can anyone help me getting this to work?
  4. Man I love the build! I think I'm gonna be getting it, because you really fixed it up! Here's the link to what I have now with my monitor, thanks a lot for help everyone! http://pcpartpicker.com/p/KrRcGX
  5. Hey guys! It's my first time building a computer and I'm trying to figure out the best build for my cash. I've got $2,000 to spend on it and here is my current build - http://pcpartpicker.com/p/VdpdrH. Is this a good build, or do you have any suggestions? I'm not going to be getting that monitor I just threw it in there for the price. Also, is it a good processor?