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CHAPTER ONE – Prologue

In the late 2789 a war broke out between nations and triggered an all-out Nuclear War. The world was left in despair, many lands remain un-inhabitable for ever so we moved to cramped spaces with mixed races and traditions. It didn’t work out well in the first place but after a while we got used to it. We started to change everything, dates, laws, race, and even traditions. Technologies are more advanced than before the War, because we joined hands with others to create a more peaceful world, everything worked out well, the mortality rate lowered down and poverty seems to have died down for a while. Until The Horizon was born.

The Horizon is a space station with artificial gravity was invented and launched on 2803, at Silas 32 Space Centre, the center of space age. The Horizon was built with survival in mind, the poor couldn’t afford the luxury so only the rich and the scientists were invited there. The Horizon is Paradise not-on-earth, because of the earth’s harsh conditions, population’s growth is cramped. So they built The Horizon, to expand human race but only for the rich. Discrimination broke out whenever a Descent, a team or a group descended from The Horizon to escort scientists to do research, is made. The Research Labs and luxury houses were sold because most of the people that inhabited those facilities ascended to The Horizon and received better treatment and environment. All technology that was being developed on earth was abandoned and they start to develop them in space, so were left behind with little resources and ancient technology. They left us for dead.
After a short while Descents were ignored. And apparently we don’t give a fuck about The Horizon anymore. Were just trying to survive. At precisely 2843, an odd Descent was made. People observed from afar, they just monitor the Descents that has been going now, but this particular Descent was different. Instead of a Group, only one Individual stepped out. At first we ignored it, The Individual wore a ragged cloak, and there was blood on the cloak… We gained interest and monitored more intensely on this individual, he walked West, towards what they used to call Europe, but it’s not Europe anymore… It’s the Barrens, filled with radioactive and dangerous craters leftover from the Great Nuclear War. As night fills he still walks, we stalked him from afar. Oddly he left his Descent Craft. Not short after, Enforcers crowded over the craft and took it away.

We lost sight of the interesting Individual, our government contacted the Horizon about this Individual, and they won’t answer. This is weird as it is... –What’s more interesting is they developed a new Technology called ADARI, Advanced Artificial Intelligence, and soon swarms of what we call Autos, Descended and a showroom was built on big cities. Autos are meant to assist human survival, or so they say, layered with Isaac Asimov’s ‘The Three Laws of Robotics’:
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Along with ADARI’s additional Law:

4. A robot cannot modify itself nor others, so that it may not break the 3 laws.


By the 2900’s Autos are all over the place, in houses, hospitals, workshops, restaurants, even bars. They were helping us live, over time we gained respect for The Horizon for sending us Autos so that we may utilize them. We send scout teams formed from Autos to check the Barrens and survey for changes in them. Of course, Law Enforcement is still made up from Humans but they say someday… Autos will replace them…


How do I know all of this?

Let’s just say it passed down.


Long after many scouts embarked on their trip, they returned with at least one or two missing. ADARI started to take interest in this case and ordered AEGIS, Autos Enforcement Group International and Space. AEGIS was formed into two Divisions, Ground and Horizon. Ground specializes in cases on Earth whilst Horizon specializes in enforcement on The Horizon, but we never heard of any case from The Horizon so were sure they’re slacking up there. And this is where my story begin.


CHAPTER TWO – The Barrens

“Interesting… Did you try contacting their Bio Sensors, Mr. Kaleb?”

“We’ve tried that, agent… uh. I'm sorry I believe you haven’t introduced yourself yet”

“Ah Sorry. My Name is Agent John Fencer. I'm from the AEGIS. Were here to investigate the missing Scouts that haven’t returned from the Barren yet.”

“See. Mr. Fencer… Autos are peculiar and amazing things aren’t they? They could be smarter than us, but the 4
Law prevented them. I have no information on these missing Scouts, I have tried pinging their Bio Sensors and they won’t answer. Should the 2
Law get in effect?”

“We believe the Barren Storms may have damaged them, Mr. Kaleb. Your company specializes in Barren Scouting, no?”

“Yes, it was my father’s will for me to run this company. But the strangest thing is that the Scouts reported no weather change in the previous 90 Days. The Barren is dead, nothing is alive there and nothing is changing except the landscape! Look, couldn’t you send someone there? Enforcers? I'm losing profits here!”

“We’re trying our best Mr. Kaleb, we’ll keep in touch” And I slid my card onto his desk and left his office.

Walking down the Hall from his office, my partner joined my walk.

“Anything yet rookie?”

“Yves Kaleb doesn’t know shit. We should go back to that Autos Maker.”

“Watch the tongue there Fencer, and besides that Autos Maker is Enforcer’s problems now, we have no jurisdiction over their case, you know that.”

We stepped down the stairs as we see a bunch of Autos Maid cleaning the main mansion hall. “Sure is big for a non-profit company CEO” I thought. But I shrugged it off and got into the car. Cars are still old school, same engine block, not floating from the ground and no sci-fi neon you would read in Horizon’s Pamphlet. A load of bull, the Horizon is. As we head back to HQ, we got a call about another Intel down on the Ghetto’s. I hate the Ghetto’s, filled with Nutrium Junkies and Trashed, and misused Autos. Makes my gut feel twisted when seeing them.
The door went flying down as we kicked it down. “HALT! AEGIS!” we both screamed, our Intel Man, Guido, was waiting for us laid back sitting down at the old ragged couch. It was a simple shack filled with just a bed, a ragged couch, and a few Autos Parts on the corner. Guido wore a torn jacket, and dirty beanie, and he had those crazy Nutrium eyes. I knew he’s hooked on Nutrium. We might change the tides.
“Get up! Were here about the missing Scouts” Milo, my partner, shouted.

“Relax, gentlemen. Come have a seat. Guido talk. You here about Intel right? Guido have all the Intel you want… For a small price that is” He talked with a mild Italian accent and leaned forward while giving us a hand sign asking for Nutrium.

“Lower that gun, Milo. Alright we’ll talk. What do you know about the Scouts?”

“The Scouts… They’re in the Barren. Missing…? No. Taken. Altered!” He talked as if he’s talking to himself

“Nutrium got you good Guido. No one could Alter Autos except for ADARI themselves” Milo replied strongly, he’s pissed. We’ve been chasing Scouts for about 2 months, I understand.

“Look, Guido. Tell us everything you know about the missing Scouts or we’ll spill your addiction to Enforcers. Come now, we can’t control enforcers so we wouldn’t know what would happen to you at Raven Fort…”

“Guido will tell you everything! Please not the Raven! G-Guido can take you to the Barrens! Yes. Yes… Guido made an EXO Suit! Perfect one size fit. It take you to Deep Barren, until Horn’s Edge! Yes!” Guido had his look in his eyes, crazy, but brilliant look.


He presented us with an RAD EXO, an anti-radiation suit. I looked at my partner with ‘Are you joking me’ eyes. But EXO Suits are hard to come by these days because of Materials you’d have to scavenge on The Barren. I do believe Guido’s EXO Suit could take us far, but Horn’s Edge is a different matter. It within the Deep Barren. The Deep Barrens has the most Radiation levels, no one ever traveled there… Except for the scouts! It’s a general Scouts Route, since their first deployment in the Deep Barren, it showed decrease in Radiation its Levels. EXO suits are Horizon Tech, they’re as rare as Ultrium. Ultrium at its lowest form, 0.13% Purity Rate can cost as good as a Million Credits. News of a 97.03% Ultrium was thrown around but it remains un-verified. Ultrium are powerful power source, the more it glows, the high its purity. Autos use 0.00034% Ultrium that outlasts their metal durability.
Ghetto made suits are common and not as good as Horizon Suits. Horizon suits can withstand Radiation and even Space Travel. GTO Suits are Ghetto Suits and isn’t worth calling it an EXO level. Guido suit looks GTO tier. But we need an expert’s opinion so I called my friend over, Mayfield, an expert on Horizon Tech. He was invited to The Horizon but he decline as the Barren is what he’s researching and he doesn’t intend to leave his research un-completed.

“Mayfield, thanks for coming. Here’s the suit. Milo kept the owner “at bay”. Don’t worry he’s still alive”

“Interesting. This suit is remarkable! Made from 1.2% Ultrium Battery, Damascus Steelworks, and airtight. Forget radiation! You could even do space travel in this! It’s a slight higher than Horizon’s EXO, you could expect 1 year Radiation durability from this.”

“Seriously?! We’re talking about Ghetto here. Nutrium Junkie. No way could someone like
can make a suit higher than Horizon’s” I replied with disbelief, while pointing to the back with the view of Milo holding a Plasma Gun to Guido’s head.

“You’re right. I wish to know more of this! You! You didn’t make this suit did you? Where’d you get it from? Black market?” Mayfield rushed to Guido

“Guido didn’t get it from the Black Streets… No… An Autos mechanic sent Guido these!”

“Where did that Mechanic live Guido?” I asked

“Mechanic died of old age. His Son lives 13km east of Horn’s Edge!”

“No humans can live on the Barrens, you and I know that Guido”

“Son. Not Human. Son, Auto!”

I gathered the guys and tied Guido down to a chair. We searched Guido’s hut and found 3 RAD EXO Suits, I quickly made a report to HQ. They didn’t believe me and dismissed the case. The Chief ta
I was frustrated, mostly angered.
A week after the incident, I gathered Milo and Mayfield.
“I want this off the grid, so shut your phones down.” I said

“What’s this about? I’ve got research samples arriving in 2 hours.” Mayfield replied, he looks frustrated. I'm going to try to make this quick.

“Mayfield. Milo. We’re going rogue. I want you guys off the grid by sundown, come to Guido’s house after that. I am going to travel to the Barrens and you guys are coming with me.”

They jumped back in shock, but they regained their composure. Milo laughed and nodded his head in agreement. Mayfield had second thoughts but in the end he submitted and agreed. We joined hands as we were curious about this Engineer, Guido was talking about.

A few hours later, they came, we broke through the crime scene tape and went to a secret compartment where Guido hid those Suits.

“What the hell Fencer?! You didn’t store the Suits at HQ did you?” Milo asked

“The one I stored in HQ was GTO RAD Suits. It’ll be a while before Horizon come picks up those suits and analyze it. Come wear these RAD Suits.”

Milo sighed but he has been with me for 2 years, were good friends, and went to AEGIS Academy together. With the RAD Suits put on we entered my car, and set off to the Barren Gates. Barren Gates are always guarded 24/7 but with Mayfield’s ID we should get through.
An hour drive, these RAD Suits are a pain to maneuver, we arrived at Barren Gates and showed the Guard Mayfield’s ID and they let us in, they were convinced! Thank God. Horn’s Edge is 2 days drive west from Barren Gates. So we take turns driving.
Not long after the drive, the Radio announced dangerous Bandits along the Barrens, with stolen Horizon Goods, they are suspected to be gang members preying on unsuspecting Research Team. I was terrified, but tried to drive calmly, each one of us is equipped with VEX-16 Rifles, a standard in AEGIS Earth agents, along with a Bulletproof Vest under our Suits. VEX-16 is earth gun and nothing like the Horizon has so if the bandits has Horizon Goods, they might likely have a standard PFX-70, an AEGIS Horizon Agents standard. It could burst a Concrete wall to smithereens and gut out Autos. Let’s just hope out Suits can withstand them.
We pulled over and set camp, were in a minimal radiation zone so we can take off our suits. We set up campfires and tents. Good thing Milo brought beer, untainted by Radiation we drank to our fullest and… actually passed out. I woke up to a rough bang, I see a car headlight. “OH SHIT IT’S THE BANDITS!!!” I thought to myself. Panicking, I quickly got up, woke the others up and wore my Suit. The Bandit shot a bullet and I was able to dodge it, but it looked like a PFX-70 Ammo. I retaliated as the other ran behind a cover in some rock. An all-out gunfight was in motion.
“It’s the bandits! Mayfield, where’s your gun?!” Milo screamed as rains of bullet rain down on us.

“I sort of left in the car! Ah fuck.” Mayfield grunts in pain, I can see his shoulder is bleeding, but looked like his torso deflected the shot.

“Milo. I'm going in. Cover me”

“Fencer get back here! Shit!”

Milo fired back as hard as he could, whilst I strafed aside trying to shoot the band of bandits surrounding us. It looked like my shot didn’t do any damage but after a while it did and killed 3 bandits. 2 to go. Milo pushed up and ran behind the car, managed to kill the truck’s driver. And I finished the last one.
We all caught our breath and treated Mayfield. Mayfield may not be able to move his left arm for a week or two so we let him off the driving. We salvaged their suits and Rifles, got in our car and when I started the car. It won’t start. There was so many bullet holes on the car engine that gasoline leaked, thank god it didn’t burst to flames. We moved our stuff to the military truck, and head on to Horn’s Edge. About 6 more hours till we get there.


We arrived at 3:42PM. Horn’s Edge, the RAD-O-Meter is going crazy, we better make it quick. We had our suit go full body, makes it heavier to move and slower. Guido said it was 13km east from here, we should be able to make it by dinner. 2 Hour drive and we made it. There was an old Checkpoint here before the Radiation levels spiked. There was a figure with a cloak sitting down in the middle of the Checkpoint. I unveiled the cloak while Milo and Mayfield aimed the gun at the Figure. It was an Auto. With no Face Plate, bare face with skull like shape and red eyes. Looks like a Generation 1 Autos


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