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About this blog

Welp if you want to see whats triggered me this week or what interesting endeavours I have came across in gaming BS then feel free to what someone be Very Toxic about a game they can't play well or wish they could

Entries in this blog

Selling and Buying.

Soo to make this more clear, the rants to do with my experiance on multiple places for buying and selling. These include Ebay, LTT classified thread and Facebook/ Direct messeging.   Buying: So as a buyer their are things expected of ya, being able to purchase the product, be intrested in the product and be able to communicate with the seller if needed.   As being a buyer on Ebay three times now (positive n Negative) and a buyer here on the LTT forums i tend to be unders

Xander Cousins

Xander Cousins

Destiny 2 - Why? 18/04/2018

So as visible from the title this ones on the famous flop of a game Destiny 2 which was launched on all platforms. So what is their to rant about with destiny? Their base game is actually designed well, inventory system is clean and flush, The maps are clear and understanding, Gameplay in PVE is well and when you get use to it if your a Destiny 1 player the Crucible is alright. So what is the problem with the game? Oh right the End-Game content and content in general.    So to start of

Xander Cousins

Xander Cousins

Fortnite Rant 16/04/2018

So as the Title spells out for you all this is me going off on a wobbly over Fortnite, This fairly new Battle Royale game made from Epic games. Now I have many things to give off to epic games about this games system etc but firstly brief intro on the game.    Fortnite is a Game which has two modes save the world and 'Battle Royale'. I'll be Ranting on the Battle Royale aspect of the game which is a 100 player island survival and who every is last standing get to be lonely on a island

Xander Cousins

Xander Cousins
