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Project White - Finished

Project White - Finished

A computer Based on a Fractal Design R4 Chassi
Watercooled and Delidded 4770k, with hard Acrylic Tubing.
Sleeved PSU
Plastidipped Motherboard

- Gigabyte g1.Sniper m5 - Plastidipped
- i7 4770K Delid
- 16Gb Dominator Platinum
- 2x Corsair Neutron GTX 120 Gb
- 1x Samsung 120 Gb
- 3x Western Digital 2tb 7200rpm Red
- 1x GTX 780 3GB Referens
- Fractal Design Newton 630W

- EK Copper Acrylic block Supreme LT2
- EK Cylindrical 400mm reservoir
- Ek DCP 4.0
- 35x280mm AlphaCool Radiator
- 50x280mm AlphaCool Radiator

Quiet, Fast, White, Black and Green

  • Album created by Oskarw90
  • Updated
  • 10 images