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The day has come...



So inevitable has finally happened, Old Bessy has finally kicked the bucket. She will be missed, and nothing can replace that first computer that you have ever built. For a computer built from old parts as it was, it served me well these last 5 years, but now it's time to move onto something new.

Knowing that this was going to come eventually I started to plan out my new rig a while back and this is finally what I'll settle on:


I code named this build Odysseus (after the Greek hero who all those myths are about) for it supposed to withstand the test of time like Old Bessy, and be strong and lively like the hero. I give all builds names, I just think it's fair.

I will be reusing the power supply (if possible) from Old Bessy since it still works and being a 600W Thermaltake TR2, so a part of her will still live on.

I am open to any tips, or criticism, so feel free to recommend some part to me as you wish, just remember that my budget is $900; $930 is the most I am willing to spend if I have to go over $900. FIRE AWAY!!!!

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