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HELLO WORLD. October 8 (P8)

Max Caulfield


Just when I thought shit couldn't get crazier.


Chloe took me to her secret lair: the city dump. Perfect for Halloween... like where the vehicle and appliance ghosts of Arcadia Bay come to rot and rust. Urban dystopia porn. But, instead of taking cool photos, Chloe had me do some silly kinda fun gun tricks.


Until the guy Chloe owes money to showed up. Some skeevy guy called Frank. He demanded Chloe pay him back... or else. I was shocked that he wasn't the loan shark I had expected, but I could literally feel his bad vibe. I still can't see how my best friend ended up involved with a loser like Frank.


And I almost shot him.


He pulled a knife on us and it felt like another one of my dreams. I don't even remember aiming the gun at him, but my finger just tapped against the trigger... Thank God there were no bullets left. I could have used my rewind, but the way my head was throbbing... who knows? I can't assume my power will always be available... I don't know anything about how this works—or how long—so I can't take anything for granted. I just know I'm never holding another gun.


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