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  1. Quote from another discussion. This is exactly what I thought will happen. LMG should hire independent parties and do a full vertical audit. And they should be transparent about it too. Quality over quantity any day. And, I was never a fan of these big designations like CVO, COO etc. You don't give those titles easily. And, create a PR department. Everything should be vetted by them. Even you can appoint FP community members as potential test audience to get reviews before the video goes live for 'some' videos. The company must grow organically/naturally.
  2. Quote from another discussion. This is exactly what I thought will happen. LMG should hire independent parties and do a full vertical audit. And they should be transparent about it too. Quality over quantity any day. And, I was never a fan of these big designations like CVO, COO etc. You don't give those titles easily. And, create a PR department. Everything should be vetted by them. Even you can appoint FP community members as potential test audience to get reviews before the video goes live for 'some' videos. The company must grow organically/naturally.
  3. So, I was worried about this might happen. Now it did.
  4. This is what happens when companies grow. And I believe LTT is going on a slippery slope for some time now. Growing should be natural/organic. This is why companies have whole PR departments. But Linus and GN criticise them. (and for good reasons) But it doesn't take away the fact that when you are getting big, so many people with so many ideas, views and opinions they maybe not what Linus have but has to defend when they become public in an uncontrollable manner. And also, I believe the whole company needs a reality check and some adjustments regarding how to handle things professionally. Also, I do believe that personality matters when it comes to YouTube reviews. MKBHD now have a team. But, the personality of his videos didn't change much. And I can't say the same with LTT. And I really hope now Linus can do better with the video content as his role changed. GN mostly goes after the accuracy of the data. So, I think LTT as more of an entertainment content company, I believe we should give them some time to get things together. But the problem is, when they do that, I think it should be quality above quantity. Because people need trust when it comes to more serious reviews with numbers and specs. So, I think they should spend more time on that type of content before they post it. And with the size and audience they have, I think they always don't need to put their review before anyone else. Because we explicitly wait for the LTT review for many things when they come out. It can be few months or a year while you figure this out. Then when you are confident enough, you can speed up the process gradually. I think that is the way to go.
  5. I'm very sorry, I meant to say I would go with first option. I do believe first option is the way to go. And I'm not talking about talking in WAN show. I'm talking about review videos where they have time and resources to do the research. I do believe they do their research. I want them to do more if that make sense. WAN show is live and they are the most honest in live streams that I know of. That is why I'm a fan of them for so long.
  6. I absolutely agree on with you on that statement. The thing is, I believe LTT can go bit further and do bit more on the reasoning behind some of the things they are saying. I do believe that they are in a position that they can go that far. I do think the second option is the way to go. But my point is, if LTT can, they should go bit into why that vehicle didn't implement that. Maybe there's a reason behind that. As with your example of RAV4, maybe that vehicle is not stable enough to implement cruise control on that low speed. Therefore maybe it is better not to have it for that vehicle model. So if we have that information, then we can be more objective about it.
  7. This comment I posted in YouTube for WAN show named, "4K YouTube Is Getting PAYWALLED - WAN Show October 7, 2022". Hope we can have mature and real discussion about being objective on reviews. I for one doesn't believe we can be completely objective. Maybe 80 percent if we have done proper extensive research and test things extensively. But in short of that I believe we cannot foresee all of the effects in a practical scenario. Therefore I believe LTT should at least address the reasoning behind some of the things they recommend or just say in their videos with complementary articles and I believe it will be beneficial for the more enthusiastic audience. Comment as follows;