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  1. I just got "suspended" from Warframe until the year 2035, a time which the game wouldn't be relevant anymore, most likely, for saying I've violated the EULA. I contacted them and this is their response Now I don't know what this "multiple instances of suspicious activity" they are talking about. As far as cheating goes, I don't use bots or macros, purchase platinum (the in-game premium currency) from suspicious sources, or use some other kinds of exploits. The only thing that I've been consistently doing for the past few weeks I've been playing Warframe is change my game's affinity in Task Manager to not include Core 0 cause there seems to be some issues with it that cause my games to stutter. Since you can only set affinity once the program is up and running, I always alt-tab out of the game to change it. Now maybe it was some over-the-line jokes I make in my clan, or maybe I'm taxiing lower MR people way too much, I'm not sure. Looking at their EULA, that's the only thing I can recall that might be considered "cheating". I'm not really looking to get unbanned from the game or anything. At this point I don't really give a damn. I'm just looking for some sort of possible justification from them and I don't think I'm getting any. Has anyone ever experienced such problems? I only saw one post on reddit about someone being banned from a game for changing affinity, but they said it was only temporary. Should I have not done anything to the task and just suck it up cause my PC is bad?
  2. Nah, "kita" and "kami" are both "we" in English, but they have different meaning unlike "we" which can mean you and I or that guy and I. Indonesian subjective pronouns don't have any objective pronoun version, or any other version for that matter, like possessive pronouns, where "I" becomes "me" and "my" or "we" becomes "us" and "our". We just use the same word. example: We eat -> Kami makan Our book -> Buku kami So you could say that "kita" and "kami" are both "we" and "us", depending on the context since our subjective/objective pronouns are interchangable I could probably go on for ours explaining linguistic differences between english and indonesian, hahaha
  3. We is a subjective pronoun, us is an objective pronoun http://www.write.com/writing-guides/general-writing/grammar/first-person-pronouns/
  4. Let's say you want to say Children. The Indonesian word for child is anak, therefore the plural would be anak-anak. We also have something english speakers don't have: Kita (you and I) and Kami (other people and I)
  5. The whole thing with Aceh is a bit complicated. They have their own kind of government that was kinda granted to them by the state. Aceh wanted to leave but then somehow we came to a peaceful agreement where they're granted certain autonomy from such as having their own set of laws in place instead of the government's, ownership of resources in their state (In Indonesia, the government owns the natural resources in the country i.e oil, gas, gold, etc) It's part of our loooooooong, complicated, controversial, history
  6. Yeah, but having it only there doesn't really excuse it Right now they got the flamethrower out when they could've just used a punch I have yet to hear of this pigeon joke. A recycle wouldn't be bad They'd censor guns, cigarettes, knives, and plenty of handheld "bad things" by just blurring it out. To get rid of blood, they greyscale the whole thing. I'm not joking. Parts that have blood would be greyscaled to shit Though this only happens in TV-viewings. I have yet to find it in cinemas. Imagine how bad it would be watching John Wick if that happens to cinemas too Oh, they censor Sandy from spongebob if she's out of her suit cause seeing a squirrel in a bikini is too indecent. Basically anything that shows cleavage. If your ass has cleavage, it'll be censored They seem to use keywords and manual blocks for pornsites. Porn forums where the address is its actual numerical address don't usually get blocked. Yes.... Pls.... I beg of you......the longer this place stays like this, the more braincells the country would lose
  7. 'Murican enough? PS: Not an american, so I don't really know what american food actually is. Grease, fat, and fry, are usually what comes up to my head
  8. As far as I know, it's still enforced in that place Plenty of people here are still baffled
  9. I know, but VPN is expensive when compared to my monthly living budget (it's equivalent to $100). VPN just doesn't fit the budget. Besides, these online purchases require a credit card, which I do not have
  10. Currently I just change my DNS to something else, it'll take a while before they block this. When it happens, I'll try to get a VPN subscription once I have a credit card.