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  1. so 3 1440p monitors is a little over 4k
  2. But why wont it work when I turn it to 1440
  3. What card could run 3 4k by the way this is just meant to run I racing which is very easy to run
  4. he calls me his tech advisor and im trying to help
  5. It wasnt my idea hahaha its my friend
  6. It is and yeah man I had the same reaction
  7. I have a tipple monitor setup with 3 dell 4k monitors and the middle monitor will always go black when I enable surround and all windows will go to that monitor. I have tried replacing the monitor and it still doesnt work. I got it to work for a while by changing them to 1440p but now that doesnt even work
  8. Ive tried the cards individually and they work fine. Ive tried updating the bios, using a hotfix driver, Installing on clean setup and deleting the nvidia folder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUHWrplRewc&feature=em-upload_owner The tearing only happens on one monitor. I have 4 monitors 3 in surround and one accessory. I have sli GTX 980s and a z97 motherboard
  9. I have 2 980s and it only happens when I update my drivers but when I roll back windows it's fine http://m.imgur.com/K000Jp3