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  1. i hope some is from the middle east that can relate with my issuie anyways, i have very high pings in gaming the lowest ping in a server that i can find is 120+ ping which is unplayble when im online cause everyone has the first shot, if i shot first nothing happens but the other guy always kills me even if im covering behind a freaken wall! i dont know what to do i just talked to my internt previder Elife and tolled them to come to check it out and when they came they said they configured my router but when i game i still have the problem and they have no idea what to do they also tolled me i have 8mb of speed which to me feels like a total lie i feel like i have 512k speed, even when im istalling game in steam it installs at less then 1mb? every server i find is always the same problems but other people that i know say that they game at 60ping no problem, so what the hack is the problem? what can i do to fix this? is 8mb not enough? do i need a new router? is there a program that i can download that can fix it if so which one? please please help me i cant play online anymore with these high pings!
  2. i just finished school got my total at 90.5% and i kept bothering my mom that $2500 that she promised me to give, if i pass the 12th grade so yesterday she came to me and handed me $2500 and i just couldnt take it even though i gave her 1000$ to keep it save with her thats if i ever need it, but i just couldnt accept my 1000 dollars that i gave her i just dont know why but i just feel so guilty taking money from her even though its considered a graduation gift what should i do should i take the money? i heard shes doing very bad at the stock market... if it was from my dad then id have no problem but he doesnt wanna give me anything and btw i got a job, there shipping me to the army in September for training for 9 months so i cant wait an entire year till i can game i wanna game now btw if your wondering why i signed up for the army is because in my country everyone from ages 18-29 have to serve and i guess its a good thing having to protect my country and have new experiences
  3. im trying to think if i really need a secand GTX 980ti G1 cause i know that theres no way that 1 GTX 980ti G1, i7-4790k can handle witcher 3 in a steady 60fps with max settings, 1440p, aa, hairworks everything!(incuding blurs) and have it run at a steady fps its bound to drop to 45+ fps and its going to take a long! time till i can afford a 2nd GTX 980ti G1 card in this time i can afford only 1 GTX 980ti G1 with the Asus ROG SWIFT monitor that has 1ms, 144hz, 1440p and G-sync so will G-sync save me at this point? will it prevent witcher 3 dropping 60 fps? cause i cannot handle 40fps and i have heard that G-sync will allow 45+ fps feel like its 60fps? is this true?
  4. like the title says do i need 1 gtx 980ti or 2 GTX 980ti's to run witcher 3 and GTA 5 on max settings, 1440p and 2x aa, (including hairworks)would i need 2 GTX 980ti or do i need 2 GTX 980ti's? my system is going to be i7-4790k 4.4 or higher maybe depending if the evo 212 cpu cooler can handle 4.8 or not GTX 980ti from G1 1300mhz boost clock thats if the 980ti can handle it being only cooled by its air cooled fans and aslo 16gb of ram 2400mhz can my system handle it?
  5. i live in abu dhabi UAE, and when i game i always get 127ping the lowest in servers which is awful i want my game to run idleast 50 ping not 100+! we currently use Elife from etisalte that are giving us just 1mpb speed and we want to upgrade to 10mpb will this lower pings in gaming? if not then do we need a new network? were using cisco-2400 so what do i do guys can you help?
  6. for people who have overclocked there GTX 980ti whats the highest overclock did you reach in your GTX 980ti with the stock air cooler you get? and what brand is your GTX 980ti?
  7. i've seen banchmarks being made that shows the 980ti AMP being the festest giving slightly more fps then other 980ti GPU's like EVGA, G1, Strix? how come? i thought EVGA, G1, Strix were the best GPU?
  8. what would you spend on $3000 dollars that your parents gave you other then a PC, Car, or traveling? other then these 3 things how would you spend your $3000? what fun things would you buy it with? the things that im thinking of getting is a German shepherd dog and a jetski, can you help me think about what i should get? btw im gonna spend the money im not gonna put it in the bank cause i already have money in the bank that im not allowed to touch yet im also 18 if that matters..
  9. first i know this is a long long story but if your interested on why my party sucked then please read : ) this thing is just killing me im thinking way to much of this but my graduation party was terrible just awful compared to my nephew (were both 18) in my nephew graduation was incredible! there party was in one of the best hotels in my country and everything was perfect th place was clean and decor was good and his robs looked expansive and when they finished calling peoples names and everyone started throwing there graduation hats an awesome PERFECT song was played called 'best day of my life' IT. WAS. INCREDIBLE!!! and then all his family came to him hugging him up on stage and his family came up and took selfes and they all picked him up and throwed him up in the air and it was great just awesome while my gredution was terrible the place they choose to do our gredution was one suckiest hotels they could pick (i mean its not terible but its one of the worst places they cauld pick for a graduation party, everyone was expecting to go to that awesome hotel that my nephew went to, and they only picked it cause its the cheapest' i went there and they gave me one of the cheapest looking robs i've seen even the hats were terrible, there was a guy there that just when he wore it imedity the rope string thing in the hat cut of and all he did was just touch it.. (we had to pay 350 dollars for those cheap looking robs! and before we went there our prinacible tolled us 'DO NOT THROW THE HATS!' because she was afried that the hats will land to somones eye and everyone felt kinda down about that, and before the greduation party i asked my princible if we caught pick a song that we all like and she said 'NO' and after that i felt as that the party wasnt for us, it was for her and the school... i mean we cant pick songs, and we cant throw our hats - _ - and after that when i went to my party no one but my mom and dad and brothers came, no one came! not my friends, not my other famly mambers not even my newphew which he swore that he would come (he didnt come cause he tolled me his dad took his phone which i think is BS) i felt so depressed in my gredution party : ( but i tried so hard not to feel sad in our party, but songs were awful which made me feel even worster but before the songs started, we first had to hear in ayya from quran and when one of the students finnsh reading from the quran everyone had to be quait and not clap and what happens, everyone claps and most of the people in the stage that saw or heard people that were claping after hearing the ayya were like 'WTF' im no kidden i was about to lol, but it was the school's own fault cause they were supposed to tell the people to not clap like in my newphew's party and they just i guess, forgot? oh and in stage they made us stand 30 minutes! they somohow forgot or didnt find the good time to tell us to sit in our seats and now let me tell you about the songs OMG the songs that they played - _ - fail fail! fail!! FAIL!!! the songs they choose were for old people and by old people that dont know what english songs to choose for greduation party ok the first 2-3 songs were one of those classic songs that you always hear in gredution party it was no problem, but the last 2 songs i mean face palm the forth song they chose was one of the sad english song that you hear in movies like titanic it was pure shit i swear everyone was like, wtf? and the finel song was an eygption music from the 40-70's it sounded like any other english song from the 40-70's but after hearing that song i was like this party blows... everyone was laughing from the songs that the principle chose it was stupid just stpuid after that we went to our dresser room i guess, then went outside to our family everyone hugged and stuff so did i but i returned home feeling like shit, no friends of mine came and my nephew didnt came no one came, no selfs were taken, songs were shit, and it was just a very bad gredution party and thats my story what about you? have you had a gredution party that was more awful then mine was?
  10. i know what you mean i got the crappy alienware x51 : ( it has a GTX 555, i7-2600, 8GB of RAM, 1TB and NO SSD! this crap cost me like $1300 and i swear to god that i could of gotten a GTX 980ti, i7-4790k, 16GB of RAM, with samsung PRO 256GB all at the same price as the alineware x51 i paid for a overprice piece of junk! compare to the spec that i just mentioned
  11. tan years ago where world of warcreft was a huge thing i remember people paying 1000's for pc's to game on that are now very old and very underpowered what pc's do you remember seeing or hearing or buying was very expansive and just worthless now for gaming?
  12. hello im from dubai and im going to be examined on ILETS and im nervous cause i have A.D.D and im afraid that i wont fellow what the speaker in the radio is going to in the ILETS listening so what should i do? i have a paper from a doctor that i have A.D.D should i show it to them? but im afraid if i do then they wont allow me to be tested on the exam so what do i do? i really wanna pass this so my parents will give me some money so i can save up for a new pc btw what did you think about my spelling and grammar?
  13. i dont what to get? which GTX 980ti brand is more cooler and more faster and runs better on games? is it the AMP or G1? i heard that AMP has 13kmhz while G1 has 12kmhz speed? but im not sure...?
  14. whenever i play a game like shogun 2 or gta 5 the game runs 20-30fps but when i click restart and all the applications and processor closes i immediately click on cancel and ones i do that and play shogun 2 or gta 5 the game starts running at 60fps? why is my computer like that? is there some application thats making my pc run like crap that i just dont know about? i used pccleaner and i closed all application in the task manger but i still get the problem? and like i said i have to restart my pc and then quickly hit cancel inorder to play normally?
  15. if u got 1 gtx 980ti you;d run ever triple A games at 50fps or higher on ultra, 1440p if you get 2 gtx 980ti you'll run games at 80fps