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  1. Yes i know amd is not good in singlecore. but i want to live stream so you said it utilizes 4 cores but then with the amd ill have those extra 4 cores
  2. Here is my connection. http://gyazo.com/b2a8104abfd8e1c8eb6cacd3f23aaaf3
  3. Okay thanks, but what about even 1080p? Oh and i went with the fx because i thought it would be good for livesteaming. is it good for live steaming??
  4. I will be playing with 720p, Here is the PC: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/hNfbzy. What fps will it get with these games high settings or even max Battlefield 4. Minecraft CS:go. And then do you think i can livestream while playing these games? I have a good upload speed.
  5. Okay man thanks for the all help and spending time to help me!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks man I may have more questions, but this is all for now.
  6. So what should i do, Prepare for the future games with the fx 8 core or stay with only 4 cores and will have to upgrade soon because of newer games? Because newer games are starting to take advantage of more cores
  7. Wait is it true that new games are going to use a lot more cores? Because if thats true i rather get the amd 8 core chip and then save up for the I7 What do you think?
  8. So lets look at the risks here or cons. So the fx 8xxx will have many cores which is good for many things but this will bottle kneck my overkill gpu by idk a little or a lot? But if i get the intel cpu it will have little cores but only be good for games not multitasking, How badly will the fx 8xxx bottlekneck r9 290?
  9. Okay sorry for a late reply. So amd is way to go if your look to edit, multitask, and render videos right? since it has way more cores. So if you wanted to do games on the other hand Intel would be the choice because they focus on powerful cores but have little amount which is okay because games rarely use a lot