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Tactical Bacon Snake

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  1. Pah! We'll be fine I'm sure I can negotiate a cheap set somewhere Thanks alot guys
  2. Okay so if we go for the build that RJSX1 suggested with the MX100 that Oh Tee suggests that should be a good okay build right? If so then I think I am dealt with and I'll mark this as solved when we have the build finalized
  3. Could you get the second build set up with the SSD please? I'm kind of curious what the dent on the budget would be
  4. Hhahahah what kind of effect would not having the SSD have on it? Would it be worth going with the SSD but going over budget?
  5. I feel like I can bear slightly increased loading times in favour of a better overall experience to be fair, it's not like I've experienced it so I won't miss it
  6. So yeah I think this is settled, unless anyone has alternative ideas, I think I will going for this one thank you to everyone for the reallly quick replies
  7. I reckon that the content creation that I'm going to be doing is musical mainly, literally the 3d editing is something I just want to try out, I've never really given it a go lol This build looks like the kind of thing I'm looking for though, thanks
  8. Hahah well, my current mouse which is also dying is a R.A.T 5, but to be fair as long as it is quick and responsive I can probably get more expensive stuff later on haha
  9. Right well, whatever would make it easier for me to run my current stuff really, I could send you my steam profile with the games I own to show you, http://steamcommunity.com/id/TacBac33/ I would like it to run 3ds as well but yeah, whatever works.
  10. Firstly, I'm able to get hold of windows 7 enterprise and windows office enterprise free so we don't need to talk about that. 3d modelling is a bit of a minor here, I'm definitely going to be doing more gaming and music based stuff. So we'll say light I'd rather not experiment with overclocking but maybe you can persuade be
  11. Yes I've thought about this, rather irritating thought to be frank, I'll survive until a new computer though hopefully Thanks though
  12. Hey guys, so I'm creating a new build as my current laptop (Yes, I know ugh) is basically a baked potato now lol. 1. Budget & Location So I'm based in the United Kingdom so I will be using £s. The budget is anything between £850 to £1000, £1000 being the complete top end of the build. 2. Aim The aim is hopefully going to be a variation of gaming with top games like arma 3, Assassin's Creed Unity, Simulator games like DCS world and even Star Citizen if I feel crazy enough. But also 3d model building and animation along with the use of Cubase 6 and direct input microphones and guitar. Add to this basic student work for uni and the like. 3. Monitors Gosh I haven't a clue on what I would want here, something that would compliment the computer itself well I guess. 4. Peripherals Right now what would be useful is a good quality mouse and keyboard with some durability. Maybe even if there is spare space a joystick for my simulator games. 5. Why are you upgrading? Pretty much my laptop has been reduced to a baked potato, unable to play even some of the more simple games at times without overheating, either way this upgrade has been waiting a very long time. Alright thanks, if I need to answer anything else please do say Tactical Bacon