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  1. My bottom-most frontal fan in my h440 broke. I have a 4790k and a 390x not oc'd. Anyway, I have two questions, the first is should I replace all the stock fans for better airflow because I'm already changing the broken one. My second question is what fan should I get? Looking at the $10-$20 price range, thanks!
  2. I think it was intake, its the bottommost fan of the 3 in the front of the case. Also, should I disable the broken fan?
  3. The noise wasn't coming from the fans as far as I know, and they went away as soon as I restarted. Was just wondering if I needed to replace that fan. And what fan would be best in the $10 price range.
  4. I have the stock fans that came with my H440. I was hearing a buzzing noise coming from my computer so I turned it off, and then on again and it stopped. So I decided I'd look inside, so I turned it off once again but accidentally pressed the power button twice (don't ask how). So when I took off the filter, it turned on again and I wasn't careful so a single fan blade broke off of one of the three. I cleaned the filter, came back, and noticed the missing fan blade. The broken piece was on the floor. So I wanted to ask how urgent would replacing that fan be? And which fan would fit in a h440? Thanks!
  5. Ight thanks man going with the first build and I'll pick up a second 970 in a few months
  6. Preferred case brand would be nzxt btw :3
  7. So these are my two builds: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/yLKW6hand http://pcpartpicker.com/p/7BMNsY The only thing I'm concerned about is the cooling on the first build. What case would be better for cooling at the same/lower price range (must have a side panel).
  8. Hardcore gaming (Arma 3, BDO, Crysis 3, BF4) at 1080p for a 1100k build in the US.
  9. Btw I'd really appreciate if you guys keep going at it, tysm
  10. Alright thanks so much man, and everyone else who posted. I'll be going for the 290x' and then i'll pick up a 1440p monitor and an ssd later on. Again thank you so much!
  11. Alright I've got a 5/5 vote, anyone wanna break the tie with an explanation? Is there really that much of a difference towards the upcoming games (BDO, Star Citizen, Etc.). And also wouldn't having the higher psu mean it to be more future proof as there is more room to expand to a third or fourth 290? Thanks guys!
  12. Sorry for the second post just ignore it, I got an error saying I couldn't post again so I was confused and I don't know how to delete this post. Sorry again.
  13. Update: So I've decided to go for building the pc now but a poster on the previous thread has let my attention towards duo gpu systems. Now I know that sli and xfire gpu's aren't as consistent as single gpu systems but the build looks pretty solid imo. Original: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/7BMNsY Xfire: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/yLKW6h The second build is a bit out of my budget range but I can manage. Anyway my question is, is the second build worth the extra $, is it more "future proof" than the first, is it any better than my original build, and can I get a better system for the higher price.