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About bs525

  • Birthday Dec 17, 1989

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    Jakarta, Indonesia: Where PC Gaming is a luxury.
  1. Oh yeah forgot to mention, my new PC will be a Micro ATX so I don't know if it'll fit 3 HDDs in there... Temporarily it may be possible. It'll have a 3TB HDD and a 128 gig SSD, the old one has 500GB and 250GB so yeah... And what do you mean by copying cross a network?
  2. I'm not certain on how to do this. Do I connect my old drives to my new PC and move the files I need that way? Or do I move the files I need from the old PC to an external drive and then transfer it to the new PC with the external drive? I've got quite a collection of music on iTunes (yes I use iTunes don't judge me.) and also photos and videos that need moving. Totalling at around 500GB. The music is somewhere around 60GB,and the rest is mostly installed programs and movies. And what about all my programs and especially games? Oh god I don't wanna lose it all. From XP to 8.1 I'd imagine I would have to reinstall all of it but that would be a nightmare... I'm close to building the new PC and I'm really concerned... My first time switching to a new version of Windows like this. Help would be appreciated, thanks!
  3. Ah yes, I considered the Steelseries Kana V2 (white) which is optical and apparently very good and accurate except for the LOD (can be fixed). But come to think of it, I'm not much of a competitive player, so I probably won't mind, but if I do get bothered by the Laser sensor, I'll just get both
  4. I'm well aware that this build should probably be closer to $1500 in total, but boy, this is the lowest I can possibly get where I live. I'll never know the joy of super cheap retail prices. Anyways, after weeks of researching, this is the best I could come up with. A gold-themed (mostly) mATX build. I won't be overclocking nor will I be doing any SLI, hence the locked processor and H97 mobo. There are three things I am still not sure of: - PSU: I figured a 550W PSU would be enough, but is it? The only things I'll add in the future is a couple more SSDs and probably some LED strips, more fans, or even a fan controller but that's it. Future Graphics card would most likely have lower and lower power consumption anyways, right? - CPU Cooler: CM 212 Evo, or any good air cooler would probably be sufficient, but would I benefit from closed loop watercoolers like Corsair's Hydro lineup for example? - SSD: I know Samsung's EVO is the popular choice around here, but until they get that performance issue fixed, I won't consider it for now. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Core i5-4690 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($211.00) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($36.00) Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H97M-D3H Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($112.00) Memory: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($95.00) Storage: Corsair Force LX Series 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($133.00) Storage: Western Digital BLACK SERIES 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($80.00) Case: Aerocool DS Cube Gold Edition Silent Cube MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($100.00) Power Supply: SeaSonic G 550W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($101.00) Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 (OEM) (64-bit) ($86.00) Keyboard: Corsair Vengeance K70 Wired Gaming Keyboard ($124.00) Mouse: Corsair Vengeance M65 Wired Laser Mouse ($58.00) Other: LG 24MP76HM-S 23.8inch IPS LED Monitor ($200.00) Other: Palit GTX 970 JetStream 4 GB ($350.00) Total: $1686.00 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-10-03 18:46 EDT-0400 Just to be safe and reassured, I hope you guys can weigh in on what you think of this build, regardless of the excessive price, nothing I can do about that. Anyways, I await your opinions, thanks!
  5. Fellow Indonesian! What stores have started selling Palit Jetstream 970s? Here it's under the name Digital Alliance, correct? From the reviews I've read it's a pretty good card, although build quality is not as good as the ASUS or the MSI. But still, it's the cheapest one available. (~$330 USD)I've heard that Zotac's 970 is also good. But slightly more expensive here. That could be another option. The Omega (OC) version just came in stores too, I believe. Which is even better.
  6. Even that one is still above $300. Apparently Dells are all expensive here. I came across the LG 23MP75HM, seems like a good deal for 230 bucks. (195 at my local store!) http://www.bestbuy.ca/en-CA/product/lg-electronics-lg-23-widescreen-led-ips-monitor-with-5ms-response-time-23mp75hm-p-aus-23mp75hm-p-aus/10285962.aspx Thoughts?
  7. Hmmm both the U2412H and the U2412M's prices are a bit steep, closer to $400 where I live. they are nice though.
  8. Thanks for replying guys! And I'm glad to know that I can OC an IPS monitor.Anyways, yes, I've considered that monitor before. But in my country it's called the 25UM65 instead. Basically the same thing though. But I've decided to not go with that monitor, why? I have two main reasons: 1. It is shorter in height than my previous monitor. (A 17" inch TN 5:4 monitor from 2006, if you can believe it!) While the width is quite substantially better, I know that the height just won't cut it and be annoying when reading text or browsing, even if it is good for movies and gaming. Here is a size comparison: http://www.displaywars.com/17-inch-5x4-vs-25-inch-21x9 You can see how shorter it is, whereas something like a 23 inch 16:9 monitor.... : http://www.displaywars.com/17-inch-5x4-vs-23-inch-16x9 ... Will be both taller and wider. Which is basically what I'm going for. 2. I've heard that response time is not that great. Something like 14ms. So I appreciate the recommendation... But I don't think I'd be happy with that one, sorry A 29 inch 21:9 monitor would be better, because it is diagonally larger, but way above my budget... Any other recommendations?
  9. Hi, I've got to start off by saying that I really prefer an IPS display. Despite being only 60Hz.(Due to the fact that I'm used to Android devices. ) I'm not that much of a competitive player either, and I don't think the 970 will often reach 120fps anyways, so I'm willing to sacrifice the framerate for those beautiful colors. But I'm keeping an open mind if you think that a 970 would be wasted on a 60Hz monitor. I might be willing to consider a 120Hz or 144Hz TN monitor if you think it's worth it. Also, can you overclock a 60Hz IPS monitor to like 75Hz?? Thanks guys. Additional info: 16:9 or 16:10 is fine. 29 inch 21:9 looks sweet, but... Expensive. Way above budget. Resolution is obviously 1080p at this price range, right?
  10. The thing is though, even though that build uses two 780s, it's using the EVGA superclocked model, which is fairly thin, and just as wide as the PCB, like the reference card:EVGA 780 and Reference Whereas something like MSI's new 970: MSI 970 You can see that it is wider than the PCB, so that is why I'm concerned...
  11. Looking at the pictures of the new 970s (and also the 980s), they all seem... A bit wider, or is it just me? Some even have a 3 slot design. That's huge. Especially on an mATX board. I've checked out overview videos of the Air 240, from Linus and others, and well... One of the videos shows that some cards may not fit. Either that or the cables will be smushed against the side panel window, and it'll barely close. Any info? Really interested in this well reviewed case. Would be such a disappointment if it just won't be wide enough to fit the new cards. I appreciate the help, thanks!
  12. Cheaper is no guarantee where I live, unfortunately. Might even be more expensive than the 780. It's not even in stores yet, might take a week or two before it is available for me. But I probably should be patient. Is it really that bad? What do you think of the Air 240 instead? That one's a proper microATX case I believe. Thanks for the suggestions. Why would I want to overclock though? Or SLI in a compact case? I'm concerned about temperature issues. Not a fan of the 350D. Too plain jane. No other colors, too. I don't know why I'm so sold on the Prodigy M's aesthetics. I mean, is there any other Micro ATX case with a handle that's still in production? What gpu would you recommend then? For a 60hz monitor? That would hold well at 60fps minimum? (Ultra not required) And could last for at least two years with upcoming games? The best bang for the buck at the moment, if you will?
  13. Hello people. New member here, excited to join you all! I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Last time I built a PC was 2009. A bit overwhelmed about all the pros and cons of certain build configurations. Now that I'm starting to learn all about PC building again, I realized that I never really cared for overclocking. Never even tried. Higher temps and warranty voiding just scared me away. So I wanted to do a mATX build with a white Bitfenix Prodigy M. I know, I know, it's a notoriously difficult case to work with, with badly designed airflow, but I'd be able to overlook that for its sweet, sweet looks. (aesthetics is just as important, right?) Besides, it's not like I'm likely to be doing SLI or overclocking even. Unless you think I should try. If so, tell me why. I might change my mind. GTX 770 was my first choice, but the 2GB memory just doesn't seem adequate in the long run. So 780 seems like a better choice. But then 970 and 980 came around! But I'll be locked with a 60fps max 60Hz 1080p 23" IPS monitor anyways. So would that be a tremendous waste of money? And so my point is, would I regret getting the H97M? (possibly by Gigabyte or Asus) With a locked processor? I could go with 4690k and a Z97M, with a nice OC and SLI option, but the Prodigy M would get so cramped, and I won't be able to afford the GTX 780 or even the new 980 when it comes to my local shops! D: Anyways, I'm confused, I look forward to any help, thanks!
  14. Hello people. First post here, excited to join you all! I'm at a bit of a dilemma. Last time I built a PC was 2009. Now that I'm starting to learn all about PC building again, I realized that I never really cared for overclocking. Never even tried. Higher temps and warranty voiding just scared me away. So I wanted to do a mATX build with a white Bitfenix Prodigy M. I know, I know, it's a notoriously difficult case to work with, with badly designed airflow, but I'd be able to overlook that for its sweet, sweet looks. (aesthetics is just as important, right?) Besides, it's not like I'm likely to be doing SLI or overclocking even. Unless you think I should try. If so, tell me why. I might change my mind. 770 was my first choice, but the 2GB memory just doesn't seem adequate in the long run. So 780 seems like a better choice. But then 970 and 980 came around! But I'll be locked with a 60fps max 60Hz 1080p 23" IPS monitor anyways. So would that be a tremendous waste of money? And so my point is, would I regret getting the H97M? (possibly by Gigabyte or Asus) With a locked processor? I could go with 4690k and a Z97M, with a nice OC and SLI option, but the Prodigy M would get so cramped, and I won't be able to afford the GTX 780 or even the new 980 when it comes to my local shops! D: Anyways, I'm confused, I look forward to any help, thanks!