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I've recently bought a Lenovo Ideapad 330 15-ARR laptop which has ryzen 5 2500u and vega 8 mobile gpu in it. Currently my vega 8 gpu is running by AMD crimson 17.7 driver which is not the latest version. Lenovo is not providing any updated driver. But there is updated version driver out which is AMD adrenaline 18.1.1 . So, my question is how to update my driver to latest version of AMD driver? This update is gonna boost my gpu performance about 20%-30%. That is why I want to update to latest driver. Can anyone help me out?

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7 minutes ago, karsnoordhuis said:

download it from amd's site? thats where i get my drivers for my rx480 from

AMD is not providing direct support to it's newly released mobile APUs like ryzen 3,5 & 7 which has vega 3, 8 & 11 gpu on it respectively & that is the main reason why I am posting this in this forum.

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