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5 minutes ago, TheReal_PropanOG said:

hi guys and girls first im sorry for my bad english ^^ i need som help i want to convert the fittings on the pump and radiator to 1/4 fittings eny ideare how???

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Those AIO units are not designed to be opened and use barbed connections so they cannot be changed to anything else without heavy work. 

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1 minute ago, TheReal_PropanOG said:

i alreddy opendet i and moddet it i just want the small normal fittings dats on boath the pump and the radiator to be convertet to 1/4 fittings

You can't simply add a threaded fitting onto a barb, the only way would be to go with a small section of tubing then convert to a regular G1/4" fitting or create a type of adapter block that can compress down and seal onto the barb. 

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1 minute ago, TheReal_PropanOG said:


I would not trust that especially since there is no clamp. Rip off the old rubber based tubing and get properly sized tubing if you want to use this and connect it directly onto the barb. Also make sure you are running the proper fluid since this is a mixed metal loop if your running just regular distilled or biocide with no heavy anticorrosive it won't last. 

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1 minute ago, TheReal_PropanOG said:

it has anticorrosive in it ^^ the water isent the problem mate ^^ its the stupid fitings xD #gettoBuild i just want to fint som way so i dont have to buy a brandnew radiator :/ #uni :/ 

If you want to have it be better your only option is to really get a proper loop or something like a low cost fluid gaming loop. This already is pretty sketchy since your potentially risking the whole system if it leaks. With the way you have that tubing connected with friction onto the rubber I wouldn't even touch it. 

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3 minutes ago, TheReal_PropanOG said:

W-L can you help me finting the dimencion on the fittings dats sits on the radiator? is it 6mm ore 8mm?


Your best option would be to take a pair of calipers and measure the barb, it's not a fitting it's part of the rad itself. I believe those Corsair units are 1/4" ID (6.35mm). Just make sure you use food grade tubing as regular clear tubing from the hardware store will gunk up the loop with plasticizer. 

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2 minutes ago, TheReal_PropanOG said:

https://gyazo.com/a1d414a5b0ac336eed7f98dc84db2d23 so if i take the 6mm one i can put a normal 1/4 fitting on it right?

No that's not how this work you cannot use fittings period. The barbs are part of the rad itself and brazed in place there is no threads or way to convert it. What I'm suggesting is to get rid of that rubber tubing section so it eliminates another connection and has your new tubing properly sealing onto the barbs and not onto a soft section of rubber. 

Image result for aluminum water cooling radiator

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Just now, TheReal_PropanOG said:

its fit perfektly atm the only problem is its ungly and btw the pic you showed me isent the  barbs is smallere and longer than dat one


I would suggest to still remove the section of rubbing tubing it's not creating what would be considered a proper seal. By having it onto the barbs it will clean it up and eliminate that bad looking connection. 

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1 minute ago, TheReal_PropanOG said:

then i have to go from 10/8mm to 8/6 :/ and trow away my cpu block and my other 120x360 rad sooo 

Why the size of the barbs on the AIO block and the rad are exactly the same. As it stands now this is already far beyond anything I would ever recommend doing. 

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Just now, TheReal_PropanOG said:

i combinede a h55 and a fractal 360 put a ressiare and cleer tubes and a pump in my build its running great it just ogly

Alright take a photo of what you have. If you already have a Fractal 360 unit I would ditch the 120mm rad from the H55 since it's going to cause more potential issues than good. You'll be left an all copper loop and not have to worry about the different size of the barbs.

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12 minutes ago, TheReal_PropanOG said:


With just a CPU and GPU I'd leave it with a single 360mm rad and call it at that. It's more than enough to cool both of them. Also if you have the tubing onto rubber change that out. 

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