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How to download original music for free?

Hello, today what I'm going to tell might sound OMG ILLEGALL!!!1111!! to some of you guys so you might just leave now, I think it's perfectly reasonable what I'm doing. So we all listen to music right? From youtube or spotify or somewhere else, no problem. But sometimes you gotta download it, why not, it logically follows if you're doing something often you might move the obstacles in the way away. I have an mp3 player which can produce sounds in flac or wav files compared to mp3 and you can hear the diffrence. So we don't have platforms like spotify on mp3s and I want to listen to good songs while I'm offline, traveling etc. How can I get them without paying all my fortune? Man if we can listen to songs for free on youtube, spotify, google music hundereds of times, and just when we want to get our hands on the file we can play on anywhere we want, paying couple of dollars for each song doesn't sound logical at all to me. Come on I get it it's their right and it might be stealing but it just looks like a stupid obstacle in the way to me. So is there any way we can get the music not from youtube but from proper music sources online? Thanks in advnace.

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2 minutes ago, LOLLIPOPSJSJSJ said:

I think you can say it like that, yeah.


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1 minute ago, LOLLIPOPSJSJSJ said:

Man there's a wall of text above you, where there are a million sites out there which you can turn songs into mp3 or just download them, why it is permitted to get one offline???? Like wut mate

I see where you're coming from, but this isn't one of those "million sites".

If your intent was to pirate stuff then that's not allowed here, afaik. Sorry.

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