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Why do you think some people lack ambition?

Guess this is something that's been on my mind for a while now. I like to think I'm an ambitious person - Currently 22, and have spent the last 6 years of my life trying to make something of myself, whether that be through studying, or projects that have gone on to make money. Have both failed and succeeded so far in life, however never on a level that I could say "Yes, I'm happy with that". I'm confident I'll get there one day, however... 


I have friends, who have so much potential, yet have absolutely no plans to actually try and make something of themselves. One of them works in a supermarket, full time, and seems perfectly content with it (Yet has has A levels, which if you don't know about or have where you're from, is not something you really take if you're happy to work in a supermarket). 


I guess it's mindsets and what you want from life, but I just can't really grasp how somebody who could be so much more with some hard work, but choose not to. I guess I think everybody is capable of something great if they put their mind to it, but just can't understand why they wouldn't want to 

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Maybe your friend is just content with working in a supermarket. It doesn't necessarily show a lack of ambition.

It offers a low risk lifestyle, with a set schedule and a clear corporate ladder to climb in the future.

It might not be as exhilarating, nor as rewarding, as working the stock market, for example, but the risks also aren't as big. Sure, he might get fired, but at least he won't be in debt because of his work.

And in the end your friend doesn't really owe you, nor anybody else, to live up to some perceived potential. The only person s/he owes anything is him/herself.

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4 hours ago, mr moose said:

environmental conditioning and serotonin levels.

Being a zombie from meds also contributes to not wanting to 'excel at life'. I know I'd do more things that might make me more money if I wasn't drowning in a sea of medication.


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6 hours ago, Satisfoxy said:

Being a zombie from meds also contributes to not wanting to 'excel at life'. I know I'd do more things that might make me more money if I wasn't drowning in a sea of medication.


Unfortunately sometimes choosing between debilitating excessive emotional instability and being a zombie is the only choice you have.  However sometimes it pays to go to a different doctor and start trialing the medications individually over calculated periods, this is really hard when you have mental illness, however I have discovered it is worth it, as there are a multitude of drugs available and more often than not people only need one drug. 

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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11 hours ago, mr moose said:

environmental conditioning and serotonin levels.

Serotonin, what's that?

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