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Hello All,

 So, my business would like to set up a viewing room for our renderings here. Think of it like showing off a 3D model in Autocad. We would like to have (2) 70" 4K Tv's side by side for ultra wide. We have a few extra laptop laying around with HDMI, USB and Thunderbolt connections. However, the Tv's just have 4 HDMI and usb connections. How would I run both displays as one display in our showroom through a single laptop, or is this only possible with a desktop with multiple HDMI outs? 


TV Model - https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16889262559&cm_re=vizio_e70-_-89-262-559-_-Product


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I'm sorry, but I'm a little confused. The laptops only have one HDMI port each?

If that's the case, you could probably get a Thunderbolt to HDMI adapter and run both the TVs off of one laptop.

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Local asshole and 6th generation console enthusiast.

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Dpending on how many connection they have of each and which USB and HDMi version is being run you should be able to either do a HDMi cable to run one display and an adapter to turn the thunderbolt into an HDMI. 


Depending on the version of HDMI on the laptop tge displays might have to be limited to 30hz refreshrate

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Yea, so the laptop that im wanting to use is a 2017 model Dell XPS 15 with 2 usb, 1 hsmi and 1 thunderbolt connection. Which I guess I could run a thunderbolt to hdmi connection because the frame rate does not matter. We are only showing pictures, short videos and 3D models in like a presentation kind of setting. Actually its not a 1050ti its just a regular gtx 1050, so would that be sufficient in pushing both tv's for that kind of stuff? 

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