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Cant type without searchbar flickering (theres a video attached of it) please help

Okay, so the problem is that i cant type(look at the video thats attached) doesnt matter where, like i can be typing in the file explorer etc its like my whole computer is doing this i cant type anything doesnt seem to be like this in fullscreen game though but i dont know what to do and i really need help, it has been like this for about a week and i really dont know what could cause this issue.

New Tab - Google Chrome 05_08_2018 16_20_24.mp4

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try using a different keyboard +run an antivirus also disable anything that overlays on the screen f.lux etc 

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9 minutes ago, Matty2048 said:

try turning off hardware acceleration in settings maybe i know that can cause some issues sometimes or maybe its something pressing on your keyboard 

Thanks a lot for replying not really sure how to turn it off but ill figure it out. Although now that i think off it something might be pressing down on my keyboard nothing i can see of and cant really clean my keyboard because i have a laptop, but i was planning on buying a new keyboard and turnoff my laptop keyboard if that can be done. Hopefully it’ll work. Thanks for the idea!

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