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Windows Mixed Reality Headset are the budget vr?

So, I am curious, I have a small room and barely no space to move from my pc just push the chair back.  And I want to play VR, but I never find if a vr game can be played on desk only. I have seen videos of Onward and other games and I want to get on VR but want games and a budget headset I can use from my chair without having to stand up and stuff.


My questions are, is a Mixed Reality Headset a good deal at 160$ refurbished? Is there any game that allows for movement using the joysticks on the controllers so you dont have to stand up or risk hitting your monitors or desk ? My computer should be able to run VR games so I am not concerned about my pc performance, but I do want to know what advantages or stuff does a windows mixed reality headset brings to using your windows pc that I cant get with 2 monitors. 


edit: and also, now that the headsets with bundles are under 250$ , shouldn't LTT do a updated review now that they are kinda "budget" ?

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