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[Almost Solved] Arch - i3-gaps desktop doesn't start - lightdm login loop

After already having a lot of trouble installing arch and getting lightdm to work, I now face a new issue which I really can't figure out on my own or by searching.


I am using arch distro, Lightdm and i3-gaps.


No idea what is needed as information to help me solve this problem.

W hen I start up I get my login screen and i3 is selected as de. I enter my password and press login, but the screen goes black and then goes back to the login screen again.


Please say what other info you need and thanks in advance for being willing to help

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Solved by installing Xorg-Xinit and changing the lightdm.conf.
I had to change the user session to i3 and uncomment it and also uncomment the line with lightdm/xsession in it.
One more problem came up hower, and that is that I can not use mod+enter to start a terminal :/
Anybody knows how to solve this?
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14 hours ago, Voylinslife said:
Solved by installing Xorg-Xinit and changing the lightdm.conf.
I had to change the user session to i3 and uncomment it and also uncomment the line with lightdm/xsession in it.
One more problem came up hower, and that is that I can not use mod+enter to start a terminal :/
Anybody knows how to solve this?

Try mod + f and see if a file manager opens. If not it will be that your i3keys is empty. 


have a look here



This file resides in different places depending on your linux distro and if it was installed by default or added later. 

For me it is in /home/nanaki/.config/i3 and is named config. A mod+key line is in this format

# start a terminal
bindsym $mod+Return exec sakura


Another example

# kill focused window
bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill


Mod key is defined at the top 

# Please see http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html for a complete reference!

set $mod Mod4

And do as the commented line says as well the user guide will explain things. 


also mod+d and type i2-config-wizard may help you as well. This should have run at install time but eh sometimes things happen. 


Hope this helps. If you have any other questons hit me up on discord im nanaki there as well

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