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Primochill Vue Fluid Evaporating

Didn't find any other threads with this in it and kinda concerned/curious as to what is going on. Did a custom loop and filled with the Primochill Vue about 3 months ago, the computer runs for maybe 4-6 hours a day, sometimes longer like weekends. I have noticed that slowly my reservoir is getting lower and lower, when I first built it it was full, now it is about a quarter of an inch low. Checked everywhere for leaks and can't seem to find any. I know the Vue is notorious for separating and gumming up components but so far there have been no change in thermals to indicate any obstructions. Just wondering if others have noticed their fluids evaporating over time (I would assume they do a bit due to the heat) or if this may be a sign of the fluid starting to separate. 

Thanks for the help. 

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4 minutes ago, Warrdanch said:

Didn't find any other threads with this in it and kinda concerned/curious as to what is going on. Did a custom loop and filled with the Primochill Vue about 3 months ago, the computer runs for maybe 4-6 hours a day, sometimes longer like weekends. I have noticed that slowly my reservoir is getting lower and lower, when I first built it it was full, now it is about a quarter of an inch low. Checked everywhere for leaks and can't seem to find any. I know the Vue is notorious for separating and gumming up components but so far there have been no change in thermals to indicate any obstructions. Just wondering if others have noticed their fluids evaporating over time (I would assume they do a bit due to the heat) or if this may be a sign of the fluid starting to separate. 

Thanks for the help. 

How long has it been since you've built the loop. It sounds like bubbles or air pockets are making their way out of the loop over time. 

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Oh didn't even think about that. built it about 3 months. I made sure to bleed it as best as possible when I first built it, you know moving the case to all different angles and such but may not have gotten it all. 

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6 minutes ago, Warrdanch said:

Oh didn't even think about that. built it about 3 months. I made sure to bleed it as best as possible when I first built it, you know moving the case to all different angles and such but may not have gotten it all. 

Sounds like it could have been some remaining pockets of air that were trapped somewhere. If you don't notice any leaks or clogging you should be alright but if it's still consistently continuing to drop then there would be cause for concern. 

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Ya. I'm moving soon so I'll be draining the loop anyways so that it doesn't leak everywhere and I'll see if the fluid is separating or not. Thanks for the help!

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