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So i just paid £4.50 for 50,000 infinite coins their current value is 0.00000175 compared to a litecoin it wasn't that big of an investment so even a single jump in value will give me some profit maybe so what does everyone think of these low profile crypto currencies do you think they will jump as high as the bitcoin or will they fall at the way side forever forgotten.

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So i just paid £4.50 for 50,000 infinite coins their current value is 0.00000175 compared to a litecoin it wasn't that big of an investment so even a single jump in value will give me some profit maybe so what does everyone think of these low profile crypto currencies do you think they will jump as high as the bitcoin or will they fall at the way side forever forgotten.


Is it worth the investment, well time will tell my friend and I don't think it'll jump as high as bitcoin because bitcoin exists but if it was released before bitcoin then I would probably say yes but I really have no idea about these things so just ignore me :P

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Is it worth the investment, well time will tell my friend and I don't think it'll jump as high as bitcoin because bitcoin exists but if it was released before bitcoin then I would probably say yes but I really have no idea about these things so just ignore me :P

I literally know nothing either i dabbled into litecoin mining for a bit but he sound of my 5770 at full load constantly made me want to punch someone in the throat but i thought might as well with infinite coin as it doesn't have as much traction as any other coin and it wasnt exactly a whole load of money so yeah bam.

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Are they going to jump up like bit coins? Probably not... but its not like you spent heaps of cash to buy them and you never know, someday they might just skyrocket!

Hope so but at that time we'll probably be trading in bacon the currency of the gods.

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Don't buy coins from Ebay.


There's a market for the more obscure coins located at https://www.cryptsy.com/


Before investing in any coin, look into it first. Most of these alt coins have little to nothing in terms of innovation, just a simple pump and dump clone coin. By researching and looking at a coin you can judge if it's had a fair launch, issues with the coin, and general ideology behind it. If it looks like something worth getting you can then choose to mine or buy some.


Of course if you really felt inclined to gamble, you could blindly pickup say $10 worth of every coin on cryptsy (there are 93), you will win some and you will lose some.


You can find some details on various coins here https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=134179.0

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Users cannot, and will not securely manage key material. Most users can't and the ones that can, wont.

Ask me about Bitcoin, Litecoin, Crypto-Currencies, and/or Mining them.

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