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Possible broken Sound Card on MB


Recently I have been having problems with my audio. I don't have a dedicated audio card and have been getting bad feedback lately. I have been hearing local AM radio stations (very faintly) which is more connected to my blue snowball microphone (if I have my hand on it, the radio station is gone) but lately it sounds like my speakers are (for lack of a technical term) blown. It only happens if a song has bass in it (which is basically every game and every song). I have used multiple headphones and same problem, same with speakers. All have been tested on my laptop and various other electronics and all are in fine working order. It only happens with the audio coming from a 3.5mm jack (both on back straight into MB, and the front of my PC case). I have tested with bluetooth which works fine, as does HDMI sound (plugged into GPU however). I have ran multiple virus software, reran BIOS, cleared CMOS (per asus customer support suggestion) with no result. I'm pretty sure it is a defect with the MB itself.


My real questions are, #1 is there a way to fix it, and #2, if not, is it better to send it in for warranty replacement (9 months old Asus Z170-A MB) or just buy a dedicated audio card. 


Thanks for the help everyone!

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you can try using for example a live cd of linux and test the sound whit some music again if hapen the same  under linux and windows your motherboard sound  is damaged   you can try rma  you dont know if tomorrow will fail someting diferent or will work fine whitout the sound from the board.

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