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Hi forum,


I was wondering does anyone know how to rename multiple files using a batch file?


So more details:

"image.jpg._10-05-2016-04-13-33_$ninja" is the file, would like to remove the "._10-05-2016-04-13-33_$ninja" but the only issue is that the next file is named "fish.jpg._10-05-2016-04-13-43_$ninja" how do I remove all of the ._10-05-2016-04-13-33_$ninja.._10-05-2016-04-13-34_$ninja,._10-05-2016-04-13-35_$ninja._10-05-2016-04-13-36_$ninja etc.. off the end of all of the files??????


Thanks would be a great help.

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