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Im a beginner and wanted to start with a complete kit on my new rig. 1 Week ago i already decided to go for the X360 Kit, but EKWB just released 2 new series and it gets confusing for me. Especially the new P series (only 20€ difference to X series).

My plan was to try out a custom loop just for the cpu first and upgrade later if everything goes well. My case will be a Lian Li PC O8, so everything should fit without problems.

Should i still go for the X360 Kit or is it a overkill since i the chance is very high, that i will upgrade anyway. Are there any quality differences with the other kits, which can increase the chance of leaks or are there only performance differences?


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The S kit uses a Slim radiator while the L and P kits come with the medium thickness radiator but have different Res sizes and tubing. The X kit has the thickest radiator which offers the most cooling capacity but needs fans that spin faster if the CFM between all fans is equal so it can be louder.

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Performance series comes with a D5 pump/res combo

Extreme Series comes with a DDC pump that's not connected to the res


IMO if you're going to get one get the performance for the D5 pump

- ASUS X99 Deluxe - i7 5820k - Nvidia GTX 1080ti SLi - 4x4GB EVGA SSC 2800mhz DDR4 - Samsung SM951 500 - 2x Samsung 850 EVO 512 -

- EK Supremacy EVO CPU Block - EK FC 1080 GPU Blocks - EK XRES 100 DDC - EK Coolstream XE 360 - EK Coolstream XE 240 -

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So, since i can fit the 360 rad anyway and my plan is not going to cool more than 2 components, i can just take the slimmest rad.
Also there is over 100€ price difference between the S and P / X series. If im not happy with the performance, i can just use the money for upgrades (for example the pump)?

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7 hours ago, naViOMG said:

So, since i can fit the 360 rad anyway and my plan is not going to cool more than 2 components, i can just take the slimmest rad.
Also there is over 100€ price difference between the S and P / X series. If im not happy with the performance, i can just use the money for upgrades (for example the pump)?

The P series would probably be one of the best of the kits in terms of pump as it uses a D5 unit which is quite capable.

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