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Hey Guys, this is only a theoretical Thread, i am currently in no position to buy the machine.

This Machine is build in Combo of Ebay scrambling, Amazon and Local Tech shops. The Main Goal of the Machine is CPU workload like video editing using After Effects, Adobe Premiere and Sony Vegas, currently using Sony Vegas as main rendering programm.

Heres the list currently:

420€ - MB - Asus z9pe-d8

100€ CPU1 - Xeon-2670v1 - 8core/16thread 2.60ghz/3.3 Boost

100€ CPU2 - Xeon-2670v1 - 8core/16thread 2.60ghz/3.3 Boost

120€ RAM - Corsair Veneance 1600 32gb DDR3

120€ Case - Fractal Design Define XL r2

2x60€ CPU Cooler - Noctua NH-u12s

PSU here comes my first problem. the Corsair RM450 is plenty for the system, but has only 1 8Pin CPU. Cost is at 70€. i couldnt find a 2x8Pin CPU PSU in that price range.

Storage is as follows:

82€ SSD1 - Samsung Evo 850 250gb - Bootdrive&Programms

82€ SSD2R0 - Samsung Evo 850 250gb - Rendertarget Raid 0 for MAX write Speed

82€ SSD3R0 - Samsung Evo 850 250gb - Rendertarget Raid 0 for MAX write Speed

109€ HDD1R1 - WD 3TB Red - Storage and Archive

109€ HDD2R1 - WD 3TB Red - Storage and Archive

The Machine costs is currently at 1500€ and is purely used to render i guess. I went with 2670v1 and ddr3 because of the low cost. the e5-2670v1 are much muuuch cheaper than the v2.

I am currently driving a i7 3770k/16gb Ram and GTX 780.

Gaming performance of that render machine would be abysmal, so putting the GTX 780 in there and using the rendermachine as main is not very useful.

However for pure rendering and archiving, would that machine improve my performance alot? I am currently hosting a small youtube channel but i am spending much time on it to make it a serious chance in the future.

As we go further into the future, 1080p60 and higher bitrates or even 4k30p/60p will be something to consider.

4/8 @ 4.2Ghz vs 16/32 @ 3.3 Ghz

Yes i get that spending money on a pure render machine is somewhat a waste but then again, we just fantasize here.

Greetings Hanazaki

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59 minutes ago, ASZHanazaki said:


Really no need for the SSDs maybe just the one like 240gb boot/ingestion drive, should also never run RAID 0 in any system, especially production systems, your transfer is also only going to be as fast as your host system as well if you're doing it over a network


also you could just grab an FX 8 core, and eaisly OC it to 4ghz at around 1.3V if you want to avoid the hassle of used parts

PCPartPicker part list: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/CZ7pjX
Price breakdown by merchant: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/CZ7pjX/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8300 3.3GHz 8-Core Processor  (€131.31 @ Mindfactory)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler  (€32.70 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: ASRock 970A-G/3.1 ATX AM3+/AM3 Motherboard  (€84.22 @ Mindfactory)
Memory: Kingston 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1333 Memory  (€60.69 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Total: €308.92
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-05-10 20:18 CEST+0200

I edit my posts a lot, Twitter is @LordStreetguru just don't ask PC questions there mostly...



What is your budget/country for your new PC?


what monitor resolution/refresh rate?


What games or other software do you need to run?



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