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Here is the link to the Amazon list. Everything is on it, except a desk and a microphone. Click Here

"If you gon be bout it, be bout it bout it" ~ Gavin 'itsjusta6' Simon

I play games - Look at my profile for specs

I love memes. I make bad memes, but I like dank memes, who doesn't?

I am good at editing videos and pictures, feel free to message me if you would like some work done.



Kole Overby

Owner At:

Chaos Network

DanTheNali Videography


Employee At:

Neighborhood Mechanic

Heinen's Powersports

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erm... is this build for streaming and what not?

get a better cpu if that's the case

you wont be able to stream with that pentium, even with gpu encoding


what's your budget?

-sigh- feeling like I'm being too negative lately

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My rig is a G3258+960mini and i game most on max setting or atleast very high.


1) 1x8GB is better upgrade-wise then 2x4GB.

2) SSD is the cheapest component that amps up your user experience by miles, so atleast buy a 120GB ssd.

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8 minutes ago, Chaos Network said:

Here is the link to the Amazon list. Everything is on it, except a desk and a microphone. Click Here

Before we can give you any opinions, could you tell us your:


Location: US, right?

Resolution you want to work or game at

Use cases (gaming, streaming, server, office work, video editing, CAD etc)

Any old desktop you have, and if yes, the specs.


The problem is that this is an nVidia product and scoring any nVidia product a "zero" is also highly predictive of the number of nVidia products the reviewer will receive for review in the future.

On 2015-01-28 at 5:24 PM, Victorious Secret said:

Only yours, you don't shitpost on the same level that we can, mainly because this thread is finally dead and should be locked.

On 2016-06-07 at 11:25 PM, patrickjp93 said:

I wasn't wrong. It's extremely rare that I am. I provided sources as well. Different devs can disagree. Further, we now have confirmed discrepancy from Twitter about he use of the pre-release 1080 driver in AMD's demo despite the release 1080 driver having been out a week prior.

On 2016-09-10 at 4:32 PM, Hikaru12 said:

You apparently haven't seen his responses to questions on YouTube. He is very condescending and aggressive in his comments with which there is little justification. He acts totally different in his videos. I don't necessarily care for this content style and there is nothing really unique about him or his channel. His endless dick jokes and toilet humor are annoying as well.



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well your spending more cash on a web cam and mic (not even counting the actiuall mic lol) then your CPU man. thats BAD, dont do that if you dont know that you REALLY need that webcam and mic and definatly not more then that pentium somehow

I spent $2500 on building my PC and all i do with it is play no games atm & watch anime at 1080p(finally) watch YT and write essays...  nothing, it just sits there collecting dust...


The Toaster Project! Northern Bee!


The original LAN PC build log! (Old, dead and replaced by The Toaster Project & 5.0)


"Here is some advice that might have gotten lost somewhere along the way in your life. 


#1. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

#2. It's best to keep your mouth shut; and appear to be stupid, rather than open it and remove all doubt.

#3. There is nothing "wrong" with being wrong. Learning from a mistake can be more valuable than not making one in the first place.


Follow these simple rules in life, and I promise you, things magically get easier. " - MageTank 31-10-2016



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I intend to use this to game, stream, record, edit, Skype, YouTube, schoolwork, everything. I am in the US, but my budget is fairly low, right around the $650 for the computer itself, and another $150 for everything else.

"If you gon be bout it, be bout it bout it" ~ Gavin 'itsjusta6' Simon

I play games - Look at my profile for specs

I love memes. I make bad memes, but I like dank memes, who doesn't?

I am good at editing videos and pictures, feel free to message me if you would like some work done.



Kole Overby

Owner At:

Chaos Network

DanTheNali Videography


Employee At:

Neighborhood Mechanic

Heinen's Powersports

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By the way, I plan on 2 of the monitors

"If you gon be bout it, be bout it bout it" ~ Gavin 'itsjusta6' Simon

I play games - Look at my profile for specs

I love memes. I make bad memes, but I like dank memes, who doesn't?

I am good at editing videos and pictures, feel free to message me if you would like some work done.



Kole Overby

Owner At:

Chaos Network

DanTheNali Videography


Employee At:

Neighborhood Mechanic

Heinen's Powersports

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8 minutes ago, Moonzy said:

erm... is this build for streaming and what not?

get a better cpu if that's the case

you wont be able to stream with that pentium, even with gpu encoding


what's your budget?

BTW, I stream with a 2.12 GHz Pentiumn P6200 in my laptop with Intel HD Arrandale graphics, but I'm looking for an actual desktop PC now.

"If you gon be bout it, be bout it bout it" ~ Gavin 'itsjusta6' Simon

I play games - Look at my profile for specs

I love memes. I make bad memes, but I like dank memes, who doesn't?

I am good at editing videos and pictures, feel free to message me if you would like some work done.



Kole Overby

Owner At:

Chaos Network

DanTheNali Videography


Employee At:

Neighborhood Mechanic

Heinen's Powersports

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Just now, Chaos Network said:

BTW, I stream with a 2.12 GHz Pentiumn P6200 in my laptop with Intel HD Arrandale graphics, but I'm looking for an actual desktop PC now.

what games are you looking to stream?

with $650 just for the tower, you can get something decent like an i5 6500 and an r9 380(x)

-sigh- feeling like I'm being too negative lately

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Minecraft, call of duty, several others. And my buddy that builds computers for a living told me to stay away from i3s, i5s, and r9s, I don't know why, but he did...

"If you gon be bout it, be bout it bout it" ~ Gavin 'itsjusta6' Simon

I play games - Look at my profile for specs

I love memes. I make bad memes, but I like dank memes, who doesn't?

I am good at editing videos and pictures, feel free to message me if you would like some work done.



Kole Overby

Owner At:

Chaos Network

DanTheNali Videography


Employee At:

Neighborhood Mechanic

Heinen's Powersports

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5 minutes ago, Chaos Network said:

Minecraft, call of duty, several others. And my buddy that builds computers for a living told me to stay away from i3s, i5s, and r9s, I don't know why, but he did...

what would he recommend then? AMD FX? o.O

any reason he told you not to go with the i-series cpus?

-sigh- feeling like I'm being too negative lately

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2 minutes ago, Moonzy said:

what would he recommend then? AMD FX? o.O

any reason he told you not to go with the i-series cpus?

He says that i3s and i5s are wastes of money when you can get he same stuff in Pentiums, and it's unlocked...and I don't know about the gpu

"If you gon be bout it, be bout it bout it" ~ Gavin 'itsjusta6' Simon

I play games - Look at my profile for specs

I love memes. I make bad memes, but I like dank memes, who doesn't?

I am good at editing videos and pictures, feel free to message me if you would like some work done.



Kole Overby

Owner At:

Chaos Network

DanTheNali Videography


Employee At:

Neighborhood Mechanic

Heinen's Powersports

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1 minute ago, Chaos Network said:

He says that i3s and i5s are wastes of money when you can get he same stuff in Pentiums, and it's unlocked...and I don't know about the gpu

i3 and i5 do cost more but they cost more for a good reason

the i3 6100 have 2 cores like the pentium but it has 4 threads, while the i5 6500 have 4 actual cores, so they'll beat the pentium in multitasking (such as streaming and skyping while gaming, though still not recommended for i3 and i5, unless the game isnt demanding)


gpu wise, just have to pair the proper gpu with cpu, and depends on the game you frequently play too

if the games are cpu heavy (like minecraft, arma 3 or some mmo) then get a strong cpu and cheap out slightly on the gpu side

if the games are well-optimized, then a balanced cpu and gpu config should help


if you wanna skype, stream and game at the same time, it's best you get an i5 6500

especially if you plan to do all these while playing minecraft

-sigh- feeling like I'm being too negative lately

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12 minutes ago, Moonzy said:

i3 and i5 do cost more but they cost more for a good reason

the i3 6100 have 2 cores like the pentium but it has 4 threads, while the i5 6500 have 4 actual cores, so they'll beat the pentium in multitasking (such as streaming and skyping while gaming, though still not recommended for i3 and i5, unless the game isnt demanding)


gpu wise, just have to pair the proper gpu with cpu, and depends on the game you frequently play too

if the games are cpu heavy (like minecraft, arma 3 or some mmo) then get a strong cpu and cheap out slightly on the gpu side

if the games are well-optimized, then a balanced cpu and gpu config should help


if you wanna skype, stream and game at the same time, it's best you get an i5 6500

especially if you plan to do all these while playing minecraft

I plan on starting out with this dual core Pentium, and will upgrade to a 4790k eventually. It's a good starter CPU, and is very cheap. I don't have any problem with staying on Haswell for now... It's not super future proof, but that 4790k is quite a nice processor to upgrade to.

"If you gon be bout it, be bout it bout it" ~ Gavin 'itsjusta6' Simon

I play games - Look at my profile for specs

I love memes. I make bad memes, but I like dank memes, who doesn't?

I am good at editing videos and pictures, feel free to message me if you would like some work done.



Kole Overby

Owner At:

Chaos Network

DanTheNali Videography


Employee At:

Neighborhood Mechanic

Heinen's Powersports

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Budget streaming rig, read this article on the 1231V3 : http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/best-cpus,3986.html



PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($239.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus Z87-A ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($81.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Crucial Ballistix Sport 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($52.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: A-Data Premier SP550 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive  ($35.57 @ NCIX US)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  ($46.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 2GB SuperSC ACX 2.0+ Video Card  ($159.99 @ NCIX US)
Case: NZXT Source 210 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case  ($36.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: Fractal Design Integra R2 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply  ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $684.48
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-05-10 13:28 EDT-0400

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1 minute ago, Chaos Network said:

I plan on starting out with this dual core Pentium, and will upgrade to a 4790k eventually. It's a good starter CPU, and is very cheap. I don't have any problem with staying on Haswell for now... It's not super future proof, but that 4790k is quite a nice processor to upgrade to.

yea but you'll end up with a pentium lying around

i suggest you save up for that i7 or cheap out on some parts that can be added later instead of replaced

like mic and webcam and what not

-sigh- feeling like I'm being too negative lately

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1 hour ago, Chaos Network said:

Here is the link to the Amazon list. Everything is on it, except a desk and a microphone. Click Here

Here's a 1080p streaming desktop for $650.

Note that it doesn't include monitors, peripherals, or Windows. This is about the least I'd go for a streaming tower though. Below that you'll drop many frames if you try to stream 1080p.


PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($199.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B150M-DS3H Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard  ($75.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill NT Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 Memory  ($38.32 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  ($47.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: MSI Radeon R9 380 2GB Video Card  ($179.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Corsair SPEC-01 RED ATX Mid Tower Case  ($47.27 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: EVGA 650W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply  ($67.49 @ Amazon)
Total: $657.04
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-05-10 13:56 EDT-0400


Prices are all from Amazon and you can click the links to go to the amazon page.

We have a NEW and GLORIOUSER-ER-ER PSU Tier List Now. (dammit @LukeSavenije stop coming up with new ones)

You can check out the old one that gave joy to so many across the land here


Computer having a hard time powering on? Troubleshoot it with this guide. (Currently looking for suggestions to update it into the context of <current year> and make it its own thread)

Computer Specs:


Mathresolvermajig: Intel Xeon E3 1240 (Sandy Bridge i7 equivalent)

Chillinmachine: Noctua NH-C14S
Framepainting-inator: EVGA GTX 1080 Ti SC2 Hybrid

Attachcorethingy: Gigabyte H61M-S2V-B3

Infoholdstick: Corsair 2x4GB DDR3 1333

Computerarmor: Silverstone RL06 "Lookalike"

Rememberdoogle: 1TB HDD + 120GB TR150 + 240 SSD Plus + 1TB MX500

AdditionalPylons: Phanteks AMP! 550W (based on Seasonic GX-550)

Letterpad: Rosewill Apollo 9100 (Cherry MX Red)

Buttonrodent: Razer Viper Mini + Huion H430P drawing Tablet

Auralnterface: Sennheiser HD 6xx

Liquidrectangles: LG 27UK850-W 4K HDR


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40 minutes ago, diapersarefullofshit said:


The Integra R2 promo has been out of stock for a couple weeks now :(

We have a NEW and GLORIOUSER-ER-ER PSU Tier List Now. (dammit @LukeSavenije stop coming up with new ones)

You can check out the old one that gave joy to so many across the land here


Computer having a hard time powering on? Troubleshoot it with this guide. (Currently looking for suggestions to update it into the context of <current year> and make it its own thread)

Computer Specs:


Mathresolvermajig: Intel Xeon E3 1240 (Sandy Bridge i7 equivalent)

Chillinmachine: Noctua NH-C14S
Framepainting-inator: EVGA GTX 1080 Ti SC2 Hybrid

Attachcorethingy: Gigabyte H61M-S2V-B3

Infoholdstick: Corsair 2x4GB DDR3 1333

Computerarmor: Silverstone RL06 "Lookalike"

Rememberdoogle: 1TB HDD + 120GB TR150 + 240 SSD Plus + 1TB MX500

AdditionalPylons: Phanteks AMP! 550W (based on Seasonic GX-550)

Letterpad: Rosewill Apollo 9100 (Cherry MX Red)

Buttonrodent: Razer Viper Mini + Huion H430P drawing Tablet

Auralnterface: Sennheiser HD 6xx

Liquidrectangles: LG 27UK850-W 4K HDR


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I'm either going to stick with the build that I have laid out on Amazon, or save up some more for an i7 6700k Skylake processor

"If you gon be bout it, be bout it bout it" ~ Gavin 'itsjusta6' Simon

I play games - Look at my profile for specs

I love memes. I make bad memes, but I like dank memes, who doesn't?

I am good at editing videos and pictures, feel free to message me if you would like some work done.



Kole Overby

Owner At:

Chaos Network

DanTheNali Videography


Employee At:

Neighborhood Mechanic

Heinen's Powersports

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On 5/10/2016 at 0:53 AM, Moonzy said:

what games are you looking to stream?

with $650 just for the tower, you can get something decent like an i5 6500 and an r9 380(x)

Solid combo. He can get 8gb of ram for the mean time and just upgrade if he had a few bucks in hand, if ever the need for memory comes.

CPU: Intel Core i5-6600k 4.4GHz | Motherboard: Asus ROG STRIX Z270F Gaming | Cooler: Cryorig H7 | RAM: GSkill Ripjaws V 8GB 2x4 3200 MHz | GPU: MSI GTX 1070 Gaming X | PSU: Seasonic G-550w 80+ Gold Certified, Semi Modular | Storage: 250GB Samsung 850 EVO, 1TB Western Digital Caviar Blue | Case: NZXT S340 Elite (Black/Red) | Monitor: BenQ XL2411 144hz | Keyboard: Corsair STRAFE RGB Cherry MX Silent | Mouse: Corsair M65 Pro RGB


I'd like to make a Chemistry joke, but all the good ones ARGON. *nudgenudge *winkwink

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On 5/10/2016 at 1:59 AM, Energycore said:

I'd go for a single 8GB stick, it gives more room for upgrading the RAM.

CPU: Intel Core i5-6600k 4.4GHz | Motherboard: Asus ROG STRIX Z270F Gaming | Cooler: Cryorig H7 | RAM: GSkill Ripjaws V 8GB 2x4 3200 MHz | GPU: MSI GTX 1070 Gaming X | PSU: Seasonic G-550w 80+ Gold Certified, Semi Modular | Storage: 250GB Samsung 850 EVO, 1TB Western Digital Caviar Blue | Case: NZXT S340 Elite (Black/Red) | Monitor: BenQ XL2411 144hz | Keyboard: Corsair STRAFE RGB Cherry MX Silent | Mouse: Corsair M65 Pro RGB


I'd like to make a Chemistry joke, but all the good ones ARGON. *nudgenudge *winkwink

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24 minutes ago, FRN said:

I'd go for a single 8GB stick, it gives more room for upgrading the RAM.

Oh you're right. I'm used to recommending mobos with 4 slots

We have a NEW and GLORIOUSER-ER-ER PSU Tier List Now. (dammit @LukeSavenije stop coming up with new ones)

You can check out the old one that gave joy to so many across the land here


Computer having a hard time powering on? Troubleshoot it with this guide. (Currently looking for suggestions to update it into the context of <current year> and make it its own thread)

Computer Specs:


Mathresolvermajig: Intel Xeon E3 1240 (Sandy Bridge i7 equivalent)

Chillinmachine: Noctua NH-C14S
Framepainting-inator: EVGA GTX 1080 Ti SC2 Hybrid

Attachcorethingy: Gigabyte H61M-S2V-B3

Infoholdstick: Corsair 2x4GB DDR3 1333

Computerarmor: Silverstone RL06 "Lookalike"

Rememberdoogle: 1TB HDD + 120GB TR150 + 240 SSD Plus + 1TB MX500

AdditionalPylons: Phanteks AMP! 550W (based on Seasonic GX-550)

Letterpad: Rosewill Apollo 9100 (Cherry MX Red)

Buttonrodent: Razer Viper Mini + Huion H430P drawing Tablet

Auralnterface: Sennheiser HD 6xx

Liquidrectangles: LG 27UK850-W 4K HDR


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On 5/10/2016 at 2:46 AM, Bananasplit_00 said:

well your spending more cash on a web cam and mic (not even counting the actiuall mic lol) then your CPU man. thats BAD, dont do that if you dont know that you REALLY need that webcam and mic and definatly not more then that pentium somehow

That's the dankest signature

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