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A process named "Service Host Network Service(5)" is crippling my laptop performance, i need to work on this laptop so it's very annoying. I googled some about it but they all seem temporary solutions? What am I supposed to do here my laptop practically becomes unuseable...

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a little bit more information on what OS are you running would be nice

my guess it's the Windows Update - if you're running W7 or W8(.1) set it to manual and reboot your PC; if you're doing this, don't forget to check, weekly, manually for windows updates

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2 minutes ago, zMeul said:

than no, that won't help you

Ah, okay. What is this process even supposed to be I never had this process take so much cpu time  on my desktop. I know the desktop is stronger but it seems like some program maybe that is only on my laptop :|

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