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1 minute ago, Streetguru said:

You aren't going to want an XFX XT PSU, they're petty low quality, they aren't a seasonic rebrand


also would be pointless with a 1080p 60hz display

I don't want to, but I had to. I would rather spend £10 more for an EVGA 600B.

It would be pointless, but it shouldn't have any problems at 4K or in VR may you (or OP) decide on that later.

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1 minute ago, Snooli said:

I don't want to, but I had to. I would rather spend £10 more for an EVGA 600B.

It would be pointless, but it shouldn't have any problems at 4K or in VR may you (or OP) decide on that later.

Ya but you'd be better buying the higher end display first and waiting for the new GPUs which should be capable of 60fps at 4k.

I edit my posts a lot, Twitter is @LordStreetguru just don't ask PC questions there mostly...



What is your budget/country for your new PC?


what monitor resolution/refresh rate?


What games or other software do you need to run?



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