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**WITCHER 3 SPOILERS** Something dosen't add up

Spoilers from main questline


So theres the Nilfgaardian and Redanian war going on, you can get helpers for the Kaer Morhen attack and you can get help from Yennefer , who is a supporter of Nilfgaard. But then theres also a Redanian commander who is there. How come theres no conflict?


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since when does any game make any sense? but in this game geralt is independent, and well as the rest of the witchers and they all have a common enemy, so that would negate any hostilities towards each other and focus on the fighting the wild hunt which threatens everyone.


after that then they can go back to killing each other, funny how art imitates life. maybe there was a hidden message in there somewhere about american policy, lol

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