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To start things off, I'm not an IEM guy.

I've owned a few, but always preferred the supra/circumaural phones.


Customer Service

I ordered mine from newegg, got them, and opened them up.

When I was trying to take the silicone eartip off, the whole driver housing broke off.

normally I'd just pull out the soldering iron and glue it back together and it'd be fixed in 5min, but the driver sits too far in the housing for me to get my soldering iron in.

Contact Meelec, tell them what happend, and send them some pics. A week or 2 later, a new set of phones come in, Just the phones, no accessories(they told me to keep all that, so it was expected)

Fantastic Service, no complaints at all with the experience.


For accessories, it comes with 1 set of bi-flange tips, 3 sets of single flange tips(Sm, M, Lg) and a nice little hard case.


They use a ceramic housing, and when I first heard that I expected it to be fragile.

It's a small housing but it has some heft to it, and doesn't feel fragile at all once it's in your hands.

For problems; the little strain reliefs at the bottom of the ceramic housing have both started come loose.

It may be I put to much pressure on them when I take them out and put them in, nothing a little glue can't fix.


Not sure if I should put this here or under sound, but there is some nasty driver flex from the left side, if I put them in wrong, causing weird sound and bad balance.

It usually takes 2-3 tries to get both sounding similar.



The bass is a little strong for me,

The bass is the reason I'm not a fan of IEM's. I just haven't found any bass light enough for me.

The mids seem to dip slightly but the treble is back up to a level just below the bass.

Altogether, much more composed sounding than the monoprice, and much more neutral than the koss porta pros.

The detail seems to be a step up from the porta pros as well.

Very good IEM from someone who doesn't like IEM's.


I haven't used the mic at all, so no comment on that feature.

Final Thoughts

If I don't need isolation and the surroundings are decently quiet, I'll usually reach for my porta pros, despite these sounding better, but for work or travel where isolation is important, I always reach for these.

Great sounding for the price, and IMO, great for an IEM.

Will work for electronic components and parts

Reviews: Meelec CC51P - Monoprice 8323 - Koss Porta Pros  - Shure SRH-440 - Shure SRH-550DJShure SRH-840 - Hifiman He-500 - iBasso D4 - o2 Amplifier  -  SkeletonDac

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